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    Dion Gardner Once me and my friends were at my house fast electric scooters because in my city I have a Go-Ped club. (There’s fast electric scooters about 17 or 20 people in it.) My friend f***ed fast electric scooters up his X-Ped by jumping a 15-stair case — that fast electric scooters sh*t was brutal. We were riding and my friend was fast electric scooters like lets go in this building in the parking lot fast electric scooters and f*** with the guard. I was down for it. fast electric scooters Little did we know there were about 6 or 7 fast electric scooters guards there. So, we’re just riding, and one guard spots fast electric scooters us. My friend wants to be a dumb ass and fast electric scooters rides past him and starts laughing looking back at him. fast electric scooters There was a curb in front of him he was fast electric scooters going about 25 and slammed into the curb. We thought fast electric scooters if your guys were there that was the funniest shit fast electric scooters ever and on top of that the guard called the fast electric scooters cops while my friend was laying there with a broken fast electric scooters finger and the cop a gave him a 100 dollar fast electric scooters ticket.

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    Sammy Smithson I was doing my mate’s paper route the other day. electricscooterscom We were both on Know-Peds, it was dark and I saw electricscooterscom this really kool big pavement mud thing. I tried to jump electricscooterscom it. I rode straight into it coz I didn’t see it. electricscooterscom I flew about 3 metres in superman position. I scraped big electricscooterscom things out of my palms. I couldn’t write or Go-Ped. I electricscooterscom still have big pink marks from it! Wear gloves!! haha electricscooterscom

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  • electric_scooter

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    Anonymous I was with my racing club, there is about electric_scooter seven of us and every Friday we get together to electric_scooter compete until the top two best racers race for the electric_scooter grand prize of 150, and this month it was me electric_scooter and T.J. I was undefeated champ and our scooters were electric_scooter about even. I had a Go-Ped shred with every modification electric_scooter you can put on it. It was about 1,600 and electric_scooter he had a mosquito stinger which could go about thirty, electric_scooter so nobody knew who would win. The race started, he electric_scooter took off faster than I could see but I caught electric_scooter up to him and we were side to side. Then electric_scooter he took a turn too quick and for some reason electric_scooter our scooters latched together and we both jumped off our electric_scooter scooters went about 11 feet in front of us. He electric_scooter blacked out and I was down for five seconds. I electric_scooter got up, looked at T.J., then I looked at the electric_scooter truck that just took our scooters.

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  • electric_scooters

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    Justin S. Well, my crash wasn’t that bad but it electric_scooters freaked the hell outta me. It was the day I electric_scooters got my Sport Go-Ped and my friend has one too. electric_scooters I live in Washington state so it’s always raining and electric_scooters crap, so I never get to ride my Ped. My electric_scooters friend and I went to the local elementary school cuz electric_scooters they have a huge covered area. Of course me being electric_scooters the dumbass that I am, I try a wheelie and electric_scooters I pull it for about 3 seconds. I was totally electric_scooters thinking, “man I’m good I’m the best,” ya know, gettin’ electric_scooters cocky. Heh, well, I worked on it and probably pulled electric_scooters a 10 sec. wheelie about 15 min. later. I tried electric_scooters again and lifted a lil’ too far up and it electric_scooters freaked me out, and I pulled the throttle down full electric_scooters and it shot out from under me and I just electric_scooters barely got off in time cuz my foot got caught electric_scooters on my stock air intake (which is really ugly and electric_scooters sticks way to far out in my opinion). I hopped electric_scooters on one foot until I got my other foot out electric_scooters at about 20 m.p.h. So! Later that night, I was electric_scooters showing off to some girls and some other friends and electric_scooters I pulled about a 5 sec. wheelie and once again electric_scooters I lifted way too high up and my foot got electric_scooters caught on the intake again, but this time I wasn’t electric_scooters so quick to “hop.” I flew back “ass planted” and electric_scooters then hit the back of my head on the ground, electric_scooters luckily I wear my hats backwards and my brim supported electric_scooters my head and I slid about 5 feet on my electric_scooters back — giving me some cuts and bruises but I electric_scooters got up without my Ped hitting the ground at all. electric_scooters But since then this has happened about 3 or 4 electric_scooters times — I need a helmet. lol

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  • electricscooter

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    go-ped boy One day I was riding my Go-Ped at my electricscooter house (near Steve Patmont’s house) and pulling off all kinds electricscooter of crazy grinds and jumps. Me and my friends decided electricscooter to make a Go-Pedding video cuz we got bored. I electricscooter tried a 180 off a ramp and kinda landed it. electricscooter Then I decided to try a 360 but it didn’t electricscooter turn out well. I went off the jump and crashed electricscooter big time. I had cuts and bruises and, worst of electricscooter all, my friend comes zooming down the street doing a electricscooter wheelie and doesn’t see me laying on the ground. He electricscooter tries to turn out of the way but his front electricscooter tire hit my helmet (luckily I was wearing a full electricscooter face) and he went flying over me. It hurt then electricscooter but now it is kinda funny.

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  • citybug electric scooter

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    Me and my friend mike were riding our Know-Peds on these citybug electric scooter dirt ramps and trails. After about an hour, we decide citybug electric scooter we should leave and maybe come back later. As we citybug electric scooter are going out we have to go down this hill; citybug electric scooter the hill is only about a yard and a half citybug electric scooter long but the dirt is really soft. Mike goes down citybug electric scooter it first and calls back to me, “Eric the tires citybug electric scooter sink into the dirt a little there watch out,” and citybug electric scooter I said whatever. So then I went down it and citybug electric scooter my front tire sank all the way into the dirt citybug electric scooter and I flipped over the handle bars and hit the citybug electric scooter ground on my shoulder and then rolled. While I was citybug electric scooter rolling my knee hit a rock and it made a citybug electric scooter really deep gash into my knee and it was bleeding citybug electric scooter kinda bad. Then Mike came over and said, “I told citybug electric scooter ya so!”

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  • cool electric scooters

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    My worst crash happened five days ago. Me and my friend cool electric scooters set up some bike jumps at my house. We were cool electric scooters just messing around, doing 360s and no footers, when I cool electric scooters tried to bust a one-footed backflip over a five foot cool electric scooters gap. I only went four feet, so my front tire cool electric scooters hit, I sprained my wrist and ankle and tacoed the cool electric scooters rim, bent the fork almost back to the pedals. Three cool electric scooters days later I’m back riding.

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  • electric powered scooters

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    Me and my two friends were going to some chick’s house electric powered scooters and my Go-Ped was broken so I was on the electric powered scooters front of my friend’s and he was on the back. electric powered scooters My dad told me to wear my helmet, but I electric powered scooters said there was no way we were going to crash electric powered scooters unless someone pushed us off. So we went — me electric powered scooters and my friend on his Go-Ped (me on front) and electric powered scooters my other friend on my brother’s bike. Then, there came electric powered scooters a really steep hill. We were zooming down it, a electric powered scooters car was behind Pat on the bike (beeping at him), electric powered scooters so he pulled out of nowhere in front of us. electric powered scooters I tried to stop, but next thing I know, I electric powered scooters was on the ground. My throat had hit the peg electric powered scooters of the bike and I was laying in the middle electric powered scooters of the road. I got up, they I asked me electric powered scooters if I was OK, I was. I had a check electric powered scooters of skin about an inch and a 1/2 long taken electric powered scooters out of my shoulder, chest was scratched up and so electric powered scooters were my legs and chin. My friend was fine, but electric powered scooters he was complaining he got his pants dirty and his electric powered scooters brakes were now upside down. We made it to the electric powered scooters girl’s house and it ended up we couldn’t come in electric powered scooters cuz she just got in trouble. So I ran most electric powered scooters of the way back terrified of the Ped, but my electric powered scooters dad never found out I crashed and now I know electric powered scooters why it is safer to use my helmet!!!

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