electric powered scooters

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Me and my two friends were going to some chick’s house electric powered scooters and my Go-Ped was broken so I was on the electric powered scooters front of my friend’s and he was on the back. electric powered scooters My dad told me to wear my helmet, but I electric powered scooters said there was no way we were going to crash electric powered scooters unless someone pushed us off. So we went — me electric powered scooters and my friend on his Go-Ped (me on front) and electric powered scooters my other friend on my brother’s bike. Then, there came electric powered scooters a really steep hill. We were zooming down it, a electric powered scooters car was behind Pat on the bike (beeping at him), electric powered scooters so he pulled out of nowhere in front of us. electric powered scooters I tried to stop, but next thing I know, I electric powered scooters was on the ground. My throat had hit the peg electric powered scooters of the bike and I was laying in the middle electric powered scooters of the road. I got up, they I asked me electric powered scooters if I was OK, I was. I had a check electric powered scooters of skin about an inch and a 1/2 long taken electric powered scooters out of my shoulder, chest was scratched up and so electric powered scooters were my legs and chin. My friend was fine, but electric powered scooters he was complaining he got his pants dirty and his electric powered scooters brakes were now upside down. We made it to the electric powered scooters girl’s house and it ended up we couldn’t come in electric powered scooters cuz she just got in trouble. So I ran most electric powered scooters of the way back terrified of the Ped, but my electric powered scooters dad never found out I crashed and now I know electric powered scooters why it is safer to use my helmet!!!

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