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go-ped boy One day I was riding my Go-Ped at my electricscooter house (near Steve Patmont’s house) and pulling off all kinds electricscooter of crazy grinds and jumps. Me and my friends decided electricscooter to make a Go-Pedding video cuz we got bored. I electricscooter tried a 180 off a ramp and kinda landed it. electricscooter Then I decided to try a 360 but it didn’t electricscooter turn out well. I went off the jump and crashed electricscooter big time. I had cuts and bruises and, worst of electricscooter all, my friend comes zooming down the street doing a electricscooter wheelie and doesn’t see me laying on the ground. He electricscooter tries to turn out of the way but his front electricscooter tire hit my helmet (luckily I was wearing a full electricscooter face) and he went flying over me. It hurt then electricscooter but now it is kinda funny.

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