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citybug electric scooter
Me and my friend mike were riding our Know-Peds on these citybug electric scooter dirt ramps and trails. After about an hour, we decide citybug electric scooter we should leave and maybe come back later. As we citybug electric scooter are going out we have to go down this hill; citybug electric scooter the hill is only about a yard and a half citybug electric scooter long but the dirt is really soft. Mike goes down citybug electric scooter it first and calls back to me, “Eric the tires citybug electric scooter sink into the dirt a little there watch out,” and citybug electric scooter I said whatever. So then I went down it and citybug electric scooter my front tire sank all the way into the dirt citybug electric scooter and I flipped over the handle bars and hit the citybug electric scooter ground on my shoulder and then rolled. While I was citybug electric scooter rolling my knee hit a rock and it made a citybug electric scooter really deep gash into my knee and it was bleeding citybug electric scooter kinda bad. Then Mike came over and said, “I told citybug electric scooter ya so!”
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