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electric scooters online | buy electric scooters online One day I was riding my Go-Ped with my friend John. boreem electric scooter We were crossing the street when, all of a sudden, boreem electric scooter this lady comes and hits me and I went flying boreem electric scooter in the air about 8-1Ú2 feet. My shoes were across boreem electric scooter the street everyone was getting out of their cars and boreem electric scooter helping me up. But I was so dizzy I’d fall boreem electric scooter down (I landed on my head that’s why). Had a boreem electric scooter couple of scrapes on my feet and back and I boreem electric scooter ended in the hospital — and that’s it. Still alive. boreem electric scooter P.S. Always wear helmets. Trust me, you will regret what boreem electric scooter happens if you don’t.
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electric scooters online | buy electric scooters online Bad Cop Good Rider This isn’t a crash story, but… I’d just zturboelectricscooters bought a Sport Ped and my next door neighbor is zturboelectricscooters a part-time cop and the first couple of days I zturboelectricscooters was riding, he’d just wave and say hi. But a zturboelectricscooters day just like every other he told me to come zturboelectricscooters over and I did. He told me not to ride zturboelectricscooters it any more because it’s too loud. Its a two zturboelectricscooters stroke but it had a stock pipe on it. About zturboelectricscooters two days later my friend comes over on his Ped. zturboelectricscooters We were just about to go to the local races zturboelectricscooters and the cop came home while on duty. We were zturboelectricscooters warming them up while waiting for my mom. He came zturboelectricscooters over and said that he’s warned us and gave both zturboelectricscooters of us $75.00 tickets — we weren’t even riding!!! zturboelectricscooters
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electric scooters online | buy electric scooters online It had been a few weeks that I had my Ped. z lightning electric scooter I had gotten it hooked up with a Jetpro pipe, z lightning electric scooter carb, filter, and .800 spindle. I had been racing a z lightning electric scooter few kids around my block with their Peds. So here z lightning electric scooter we are racing around the block. I’m going about 25 z lightning electric scooter downhill, I turn the corner and, not paying attention, I z lightning electric scooter slip on sumthin. My Ped goes one way (to the z lightning electric scooter right) and I got the other Lol. I hit the z lightning electric scooter ground hard on my left side and rolled a few z lightning electric scooter times. So I get up and I’m like, WTF!!! I z lightning electric scooter check myself and notice that my arm is a little z lightning electric scooter bit out of place. Let’s say about at a 75 z lightning electric scooter degree angled inward!! So I get to the hospital and z lightning electric scooter wait like 40 minutes with my aching arm and they z lightning electric scooter tell me that I broke me radius and ulna straight z lightning electric scooter thru on my left arm (both bones), resulting in my z lightning electric scooter floppy arm. They spend like 3 hours trying to get z lightning electric scooter it back in place and when they quit I have z lightning electric scooter to stay overnight to have surgery on it!!! So, I z lightning electric scooter have surgery, they put a pin in, they pull it z lightning electric scooter out a few weeks later, and stick me with a z lightning electric scooter cast. I go on vacation and I take the cast z lightning electric scooter off there, and guess what? It healed crooked!! So I z lightning electric scooter have to cut my vacation short, Go back and have z lightning electric scooter it reset and have a metal plate put in with z lightning electric scooter 6 screws. As if that’s not enough I break my z lightning electric scooter same arm a year later (this year that is), but z lightning electric scooter doing sumtin else (hehe), and I have to get a z lightning electric scooter longer plate put in with 11 screws!!! 9 weeks later z lightning electric scooter with therapy and stuff I’m alllll good. I Now have z lightning electric scooter a g230rc on my Ped. God help me!!
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electric scooters online | buy electric scooters online Hi, Baz here from Edinburgh, Scotland (British Open Bigfoot Champion 99-00). 15 mph electric scooters James and I were doing a demo at Raceland karting 15 mph electric scooters circuit just outside Edinburgh last year. We were buzzin the 15 mph electric scooters strait and swapped over the X-Peds at full pelt. Now, 15 mph electric scooters Scotland’s not the best place for Go-Peds and gets a 15 mph electric scooters bit wet so picture two peds side by side with 15 mph electric scooters two guys, each with a foot on the other’s Ped 15 mph electric scooters sort of tandem skiing. One Ped went over the wet 15 mph electric scooters stuff and launched off away from the other. We did 15 mph electric scooters the splits. James managed to stay on my X-Ped (it’s 15 mph electric scooters called “Napalm 9”) — I didn’t. I landed on my 15 mph electric scooters foot, rolled, lost skin on my back and elbow and 15 mph electric scooters was laughed at by little kiddies and their parents. WE 15 mph electric scooters CAN DO IT AND MORE — just not in the 15 mph electric scooters wet!! Take care everyone, BAZ, Scotland
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electric scooters online | buy electric scooters online Me and my friend were riding our Go-Peds to the theaters. toy electric scooters Mine is much faster then my friend’s. We were riding toy electric scooters and had less then 100 steps to get there and toy electric scooters that’s when I fell. There was a green light, my toy electric scooters friend went on the sidewalk and I went in the toy electric scooters road. I was reaching full speed when I hit a toy electric scooters big plastic thing. I didn’t know what it was. I toy electric scooters scraped my knee badly and my elbow — you could toy electric scooters almost see my bone.
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electric scooters online | buy electric scooters online Kyall Nielsen I live in a little town in Australia and electricscooters me and my 2 or 3 friends usually go out electricscooters on our Blade Shox push scooters. We decided to go electricscooters to a skool to stuff around on as there is electricscooters only like 6 or 7 skoools in the whole 20,000 electricscooters population town. We went to this skool that has a electricscooters big set of 8 and a big set of 6 electricscooters stairs. (which are very very hard on push scooters). And electricscooters at the skool we were scooting round flying the set electricscooters of 4 and 6 stair sets and this real Fuckwit electricscooters of a kid we knew was there olling the set electricscooters of 8 on his skateboard. Well we really hated this electricscooters kid and when he decided to jump the 8 stairs electricscooters (6ft high). My friend being himself threw a trash can electricscooters in front of his skateboard as he was about jump electricscooters the stairs. Well he had hit the bin as he electricscooters had done a front flip while his skateboard stalled. he electricscooters landed on the 4th stair on his shoulder/neck area and electricscooters just tumbled down the other 4 stairs. It really funked electricscooters that cocksucker up real bad. My friend being guilty decided electricscooters to call an ambulance with my other m8’s mobile phone electricscooters because he didn’t get up. He was really messed up electricscooters bad. When he got to the hospital he had broken electricscooters his left collar bone and his left shin and had electricscooters been KO’ed and concussed. The next week he came back electricscooters to school all really bruised up in an arm sling electricscooters but had nothing on his shin.
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