z lightning electric scooter

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It had been a few weeks that I had my Ped. z lightning electric scooter I had gotten it hooked up with a Jetpro pipe, z lightning electric scooter carb, filter, and .800 spindle. I had been racing a z lightning electric scooter few kids around my block with their Peds. So here z lightning electric scooter we are racing around the block. I’m going about 25 z lightning electric scooter downhill, I turn the corner and, not paying attention, I z lightning electric scooter slip on sumthin. My Ped goes one way (to the z lightning electric scooter right) and I got the other Lol. I hit the z lightning electric scooter ground hard on my left side and rolled a few z lightning electric scooter times. So I get up and I’m like, WTF!!! I z lightning electric scooter check myself and notice that my arm is a little z lightning electric scooter bit out of place. Let’s say about at a 75 z lightning electric scooter degree angled inward!! So I get to the hospital and z lightning electric scooter wait like 40 minutes with my aching arm and they z lightning electric scooter tell me that I broke me radius and ulna straight z lightning electric scooter thru on my left arm (both bones), resulting in my z lightning electric scooter floppy arm. They spend like 3 hours trying to get z lightning electric scooter it back in place and when they quit I have z lightning electric scooter to stay overnight to have surgery on it!!! So, I z lightning electric scooter have surgery, they put a pin in, they pull it z lightning electric scooter out a few weeks later, and stick me with a z lightning electric scooter cast. I go on vacation and I take the cast z lightning electric scooter off there, and guess what? It healed crooked!! So I z lightning electric scooter have to cut my vacation short, Go back and have z lightning electric scooter it reset and have a metal plate put in with z lightning electric scooter 6 screws. As if that’s not enough I break my z lightning electric scooter same arm a year later (this year that is), but z lightning electric scooter doing sumtin else (hehe), and I have to get a z lightning electric scooter longer plate put in with 11 screws!!! 9 weeks later z lightning electric scooter with therapy and stuff I’m alllll good. I Now have z lightning electric scooter a g230rc on my Ped. God help me!!

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