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Dion Gardner Once me and my friends were at my house fast electric scooters because in my city I have a Go-Ped club. (There’s fast electric scooters about 17 or 20 people in it.) My friend f***ed fast electric scooters up his X-Ped by jumping a 15-stair case — that fast electric scooters sh*t was brutal. We were riding and my friend was fast electric scooters like lets go in this building in the parking lot fast electric scooters and f*** with the guard. I was down for it. fast electric scooters Little did we know there were about 6 or 7 fast electric scooters guards there. So, we’re just riding, and one guard spots fast electric scooters us. My friend wants to be a dumb ass and fast electric scooters rides past him and starts laughing looking back at him. fast electric scooters There was a curb in front of him he was fast electric scooters going about 25 and slammed into the curb. We thought fast electric scooters if your guys were there that was the funniest shit fast electric scooters ever and on top of that the guard called the fast electric scooters cops while my friend was laying there with a broken fast electric scooters finger and the cop a gave him a 100 dollar fast electric scooters ticket.

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