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MONSTER CRASH. Me and 3 friends (all on Sports but me freedom electric scooters on my Liquimatic) were all riding one day on the freedom electric scooters side of the highway on a crappy sidewalk. My friend freedom electric scooters John, as usual being a retard, decided to swerve in freedom electric scooters front of me at 20mph to “scare me.” Well, when freedom electric scooters he did, my other friend who was extremely paranoid also freedom electric scooters swerved to avoid crashing into the highway (he ate sh*t freedom electric scooters along with the my other friend). As John tried to freedom electric scooters keep balance and turn back, he slammed into my Ped freedom electric scooters and we both ate it on the highway. I had freedom electric scooters my arm bones shattered (it still feels weird), my knee freedom electric scooters with second degree burns from his Sport’s muffler, and a freedom electric scooters busted Ped. He wasn’t so lucky — he was fine freedom electric scooters of course and his Ped was still perfect except for freedom electric scooters the fact that it’s mine now. He gave it up freedom electric scooters willingly when he saw my Ped was thrashed and I freedom electric scooters was as pissed off as anything you’d ever see because freedom electric scooters he was messing around.

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