Tips You Must Know to Get Best Mileage Per Charge – The Best Electric Scooters You Want To Ride Now

Electric bikes and scooters have been in the market since quite some time. They are growing at a slow pace in India since they seem to lose out on the speed of regular petrol scooters. Almost all the electric vehicles in India have the maximum cruising speed of 80 kmph, but despite that these are turning out to be better, cleaner and an eco-friendly option.

There are many types of electric scooters that are available and you could choose as per your need and requirements. Click the below link to know more, you can click on the link mentioned below.

Charging of Electric Scooters

As in the case of regular scooters, the mileage range of electric bikes can also vary. Most of the riders with their maintenance routine and upkeep of the scooter, can get a good mileage per charge. And the way you have maintained your scooter is one of the most important factors in determining if you can actually achieve this kind of mileage with one charge.

This is how a battery operated electric scooter works:

Getting more mileage per charge

Everyone wants to get the best out of what they buy because no one wants their hard earned money to go down the drain. Same is the case with these electric scooters. You need to know how to operate them carefully and to get the best from your electric scooter, here are a few tips listed below.

  1. Always make it a point to charge the battery even if it has been used for short distances. Now that doesn’t mean that you charge it all the time! Too much of charging can be bad and may damage your scooter quickly. So, to prevent sulphuration you need charge once a certain amount of electricity has been consumed. As is advised in the case of electronics like laptop, cell phone; to charge once their battery has reached ‘empty’ level, the same does not apply to electric scooters. It needs to be charged after every ride, however, short that may be.
  2. You need to be vigilant and an excellent Make sure you don’t try to run your vehicle on a punctured Tyre. Forget about proper mileage, this will not even help your vehicle survive! Keeping the pressure within 5 PSI will prove to be a sage move. Also, keep checking the pressure regularly to prevent wear and tear and significant damages. A real pressure maintained will go a long way, it will not only help in improving the mileage of the scooter but will also enhance its life.
  3. Be mindful of how you drive. Rash driving will not only harm you but your vehicle as well. Make sure that when you accelerate, you don’t do it with a jerk. This will have adverse effects on the tyres. Try to accelerate at a slow and steady Give your vehicle some time to adjust. Accelerating all of a sudden will also drain away a lot of batteries. So to maintain a good mileage on one charge, make sure that there is no rash driving!
  4. Avoid holding the throttle fully open. Jut ease out a bit when you have reached the desired speed. There is no point in putting unnecessary pressure on the front wheels. This tactic will improve mileage considerably though you may lose on speed a little bit.
  5. Use the pedal system while climbing on hills. This will help assert less pressure on the vehicle and also will increase mileage. It will help you reach a mileage level which you can’t achieve by riding just on the throttle.
  6. Make sure you don’t assert too much pressure on the brakes. This will result in damaging the scooter internally and by the time you get to know about it, your scooter will be in a bad shape. So make sure you press the brake with love and care and not hatred. This will help you get more mileage too.
  7. Maintaining the vehicle will also help you get proper mileage. Take your scooter for servicing and make sure all parts are checked and are in working order.
  8. Everyone needs a break. Even your scooter needs it. See to it that you are not all the time riding it. Let it rest too. Leave it in a cool place for the battery and other parts to cool down.
  9. If you have been using the battery for quite some time, it is advisable to replace it. Battery tends to wear out no matter how good your scooter is. A new one will be good not only for the vehicle, but it will also give you better service and mileage.
  10. Little did you know that dust can also spoil the battery so keep cleaning your vehicle. Wiping it before and after use and then washing it with a good shampoo will be an extremely wise
  11. Though the batteries have an inbuilt cut-off for charging, so that they automatically shut off when the charging is complete. But just in case the automated system fails, make sure that you do not overcharge your battery. Because that will not only cut down the mileage that the battery will give you, but it may also damage your cells permanently.

To increase mileage, you just need to pay attention to the battery and take care of small things. You can watch the following video and understand it better:

Follow these tips and see how you get effective results. Be patient and love your vehicle.

Making a wise choice

The first electric scooter was invented in 1895. It gave us the liberty to forget the hiked prices of petrol and use these awesome super bikes! To know about the history and the detailed, technical working of electric scooters visit

In case you are wondering whether you are making the right choice by planning to buy an electric scooter, let me give you a brief comparison between the two types.


Yes, you need to see to your pocket first and this is exactly why I am going to tell you about the range first. Electric scooters lose here a bit because they tend to be expensive as compared to a gasoline vehicle. But paying for petrol all your life will never be beneficial. Buying an expensive electric scooter will give you many more benefits, since the recurring cost is almost nil.


It has been proved that an electric scooter is far better than any other scooter. It is quite fast with high mileage but, this will happen only if you handle it with love and care and follow the tips mentioned above.

Maintenance Factor

Electric scooters are quite easy to maintain. It is just the battery that needs to be taken care of and it can be replaced too if damaged, but a gasoline scooter requires good maintenance which again means dingo flowing in the river.


Electric scooters prevent noise pollution. They are quiet, but the latter will give you a headache most of the times.

I hope you now know how beneficial these scooters are and how man has made life so easy with the help of science.

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