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scooter electric
CatherineHughes The other day my friend and I were riding on scooter electric our Go-Peds and a little kid jumps out in front scooter electric of me to get a ball. I hit my front scooter electric brakes. My friend was behind me. When I hit my scooter electric breaks my friend was going so fast he rammed me scooter electric from behind, with all the force I went over the scooter electric handlebars. I went in mid air and fell on my scooter electric right side and smashed my head on the concrete. I scooter electric broke my wrist, sprained my leg, got a big bruise scooter electric on my head and got a couple of scratches. My scooter electric friend got road rash on his hands and knees. My scooter electric scooter was in bad shape but it was a easy scooter electric fix.
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