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3. This one was a couple of months ago, and again razor electric scooter I was riding on damp sidewalks. But this time I razor electric scooter was trying to ride carefully. I was cresting the top razor electric scooter of a little bridge and as I was coming down razor electric scooter I gunned it because I thought the sidewalk was dry, razor electric scooter but I saw a damp spot and all I had razor electric scooter time to realize was that something bad was going to razor electric scooter happen. Well, before I had time to slow down, the razor electric scooter back end spun up and I was riding — while razor electric scooter the Go-Ped was horizontal. Luckily I jumped off and ran razor electric scooter as I was holding the bars and got my Go-Ped razor electric scooter back on track. I slowed down and just sat there razor electric scooter for a few minutes replaying everything that happened. I didn’t razor electric scooter get any injuries but I was a little shook up. razor electric scooter

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