
  • Scooter Sales Going Through the Roof as Gas Prices Rise — Electric Scooters

    Nationwide, data does seem to support this trend. While full fledged motorcycles are still seen as being the province of men having a mid life crisis or motorcycle enthusiasts, the massive number of scooter sales would seem to indicate that even ordinary Americans are considering the mini bikes to be viable alternatives to their gas guzzling cars and SUVs.

    Great for Quick Trips to the Grocery

    While no one is saying that scooters will replace a car as the vehicle of choice for taking the family cross country or even for soccer moms dropping off hordes of kids at the local game, the number of scooter sales, even to those same soccer moms is increasing tremendously. The reason, consumer say is that they simply want something convenient to take down to the grocery store when they forget to buy a gallon of milk. It’s more economical and it’s more convenient than hopping in a car, these consumers say.

    Popular in Cites

    It goes without saying that most scooters sales are happening in bigger cities as people tire of the problems with finding parking and dealing with crowded downtown areas and the attendant traffic jams. Instead, people want to look for a quick and easy method of getting around town and the answer has become the humble scooter.

    A Worrying Trend in Tiny Scooters

    However, not everyone is pleased about the recent upward trend in scooter sales. While the miniature bikes are generally considered to be quite safe when they are properly handled, many people are turning to big box stores like Costco and Sam’s Club to buy scooters and scooter sales at those chains tend toward the lower end of the spectrum. “I have people coming into my store all the time asking why the little 50CC scooter they bought at the local Costco doesn’t seem to be able to go up hills,” Mr. Halinson says, laughing. “I tell them that those things are worse than toys since people think they’re real scooters – they’re not. Those things have tiny engines and can actually kill when people ride them.

    Look for at Least 125CC

    Mr. Halinson says that “the bare minimum” that consumers should look for when shopping different scooter sales is 125CC. These kinds of scooters, he says aren’t going to compete with motorcycles, which must have at least 1,000CCs, “but they’re good enough when you just want to go around the corner to the grocery store.” Still, he recommends that people who are serious look for at least 400CC or more and ignore the cheap deals that are available from some big box stores when they run periodic scooter sales.

    Recommended Reading

    • Scooter Store
    • Scooters for Sale

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  • Electric Scootes has 100's of new units from kids to adult scooters including motor and other models at — Electric Scooters

    February 12, 2012 by admin Leave a Comment

    Here at we provide potential buyers with tips in aiding their purchase for their child’s scooter. We understand a parent’s desire for safety and the quality of workmanship that goes into the manufacturing process. Our research department has sampled many of the top brands and models for performance during out tests of the product. We look for quality ride and durability as those are extreme importance to customers who have entered the market. Like any other product you purchase for your kids we stick to time tested brands who have delivered over a long period a quality product that has passed the US safety inspection for children at the age recommended for use as displayed next to each electric scooter for sale. Something we do not do is recommended clone models or what is sometimes referred to as off band merchandise. Our top rated scooters for kids reviewed and recommended are brand name and model originals and not some cheap manufactured similar make ones. You should always be weary when a site recommends a product stating it has similar features of a brand name model at a higher price. You certainly get what you pay for when you shop for a kids scooter as what you will find from the cheap imitation models are of poorer quality and made with less durable parts that will result in high defective breakdowns. The vendors we recommend you purchase your children’s scooters have all been thoroughly researched for customer service and on time delivery of their product to their buyers.

    Electric Scooter for Adults

    All adults come in very different shapes and sizes so it is important for a purchaser of an electric scooter to carefully read the weight capacity for each model during your shopping process. All of our reviews will indicate each scooters maximum carrying weight. Our product research has found that adult riders under 180 pounds can get a safe and quality performance ride for the majority of our reviewed scooters built for adults. One who factors speed in the performance of their scooter must fully take in account to the riders weight as well as the type of terrain they will be riding their electric scooter. Performance will vary based on the riding surfaces. The most ideal ride for your electric scooter will be on a smoothly pave street. Those who will ride in rougher surfaces will need to look at the product specifications because scooter manufactures have built scooters with higher wattage engines to handle more difficult terrain. Those electric scooter customers who weigh over 180 pounds will need to shop the higher wattage engine models with a 300 watt engine or greater. Where you live will also impact the quality of performance you get from your electric scooter. Be aware that certain parts of the country will receive more rain, snow and wind than others. As you browse out sites internal pages please review the type of climate that each scooter has been manufactured to handle. Weather extremities will impact the performance of your electric scooter so you need to do your homework when shopping and look for models suitable for your place of residence.

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  • Buying a Gas Bike? Be Sure You Understand the Differences in Models. — Electric Scooters

    Yes, it’s confusing when you walk into a store looking for a gas bike and the first question you’re asked is how many CC you want. In essence however, CC stands for cubic centimeters and it’s the amount of displacement that a gas bike will get when its motor is running. If that sounds really complicated, think of it this way: the higher the CC rating, the more power your gas bike will have.

    Why It Matters

    You may be tempted to settle for a cheap gas bike which has a 50 CC rating. After all, you rationalize, I just want it for getting around town, so I don’t need more than that. Sure you don’t need more than that, as long as you don’t want to live to see tomorrow.

    The fact is that a 50 CC motor is like a toy – it’s not really meant for city driving and it will not get you where you need to go. It’s entirely likely for example that even going up a small hill with a 50CC engine could mean the bike sputter and die, sending you flying backward into traffic. Generally, most experts recommend a minimum of 125 CC and even that is just the bare minimum for getting around. Don’t forget as well that at times you’ll need to speed up, but with such a tiny motor, you won’t be able to do so.

    Does It Carry Two People?

    Another thing to consider when looking at buying a gas bike is whether or not it carries only one person or two people. Remember, you’re planning to use this thing on the street and so a gas bike which is designed to carry only one person is never going to be adequate for carrying two people along a crowded street. You need to make sure that the gas bike you buy is properly rated for two people, not to mention that the seat is designed to be comfortable for two people. A professional in a local scooter store can help you make an informed choice on this question.


    Finally, don’t forget to ask about safety when you are looking for a gas bike. Make sure that the breaks are something you can rely on and make sure to buy proper safety equipment. The fact is that more people die while riding a gas bike for lack of proper safety equipment than for any other reason you can think of. This means that you get a helmet which is properly rated for a gas bike as well as the right kind of jacket, which can actually help absorb an impact if you should have an accident while riding your gas bike.

    Recommended Reading

    • Scooter Store
    • Scooters for Sale

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  • Buy Your Scooter from Scooter Stores, Not Big Box Stores. Here’s Why — Electric Scooters

    As in virtually any industry you can think of, from washing machines to cars to computers, there is a wide range of prices when it comes to purchasing scooters and the big box stores tend to sell the cheapest stuff because that’s what their customers demand. Hey, that’s all right. Costco and Sam’s Place aren’t scooter stores and they don’t pretend to be such. Instead, they sell everything under the sun and they sell it cheaply.

    Great for Bulk Pretzels, Not So Much for Scooters

    This is fine when you’re looking to purchase bulk pretzels, because one pretzel or another pretty much tastes the same and you can usually make an informed decision about purchasing your pretzels from a place like Costco without a problem. However, this becomes a highly problematic situation when you replace local scooter stores with big box stores; and the problem isn’t just cost.

    But Let’s Talk about Cost First

    Okay, we just got through telling you that it’s not about cost, well not only about cost. However, prices are a big reason why people don’t want to shop at scooter stores – the big box places are cheaper. However, as noted above, the problem with big box stores is that the material they sell, especially for high ticket items like electric scooters, tends to be the cheapest material available. This may be fine when you’re buying your pretzels, but a scooter, which has to go into and out of traffic needs to be made of quality materials. Otherwise, you are quite literally risking your life in order to save a few dollars.

    Even if They Had Name Brands

    Beyond that however, let’s talk about name brands and big box stores. The typical big box store employee earns minimum wage and has to sell blue jeans, blueberry syrup and blue shirts all at the same time. This means that even he or she happens to be stocking the scooter section of the big box store, he or she isn’t likely to know anything about electric scooters or which ones are safer for which uses. He or she won’t be able to offer the kind of advice about safety that someone from one of the local scooter stores might be able to offer you. At most, if you’re lucky, you’ll have someone who tells you where the helmets are located.

    Contrast that With Scooter Stores

    Now contrast that with scooter stores. These stores have people whose only job it is to sell scooters. They know which ones are junk and likely to cause an accident. They can tell you which ones are good for a flat neighborhood, but will be a safety hazard in a place like San Francisco. Plus, if you need to know about safety gear, there is no replacement for visiting one of your local scooter stores.

    Recommended Reading

    • Scooter Store
    • Scooters for Sale

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  • About Us regarding Scooters and Electric Scooters, and how we can help you at — Electric Scooters

    Listed below are the reasons why we can help you with your electric scooter purchase.

    Your starting ground to make the right product choice!

    You have begun your quest to find that perfect electric scooter to fit your needs but you may have wondered where to start to achieve your goal?

    Have you ever wondered how to buy an electric scooter?

    Congratulations, you are in the right place.

    We are consumers just like you!

    A buyer’s guide should not just be a list of where to buy solely.

    As consumers ourselves we realize shoppers want rock solid reliable product information they need prior to making their buying decisions.

    As prudent shoppers as well, we have grown tired of those sites that just cover the surface and don’t go in depth enough with the detailed information to properly fit our needs.

    Your time is valuable making our aim to please your every need with valuable and important electric scooter product information.

    How to buy an electric scooter is as important as where to buy.

    Your one stop source for electric scooter information!

    At we want to be your starting ground to help you make that important choice so you can be 100% satisfied with your motor scooter purchase.

    We are dedicated professionals who have several years in the electric scooter industry and we have a lot to share for you as you visit our site and subscribe to our newsletter below.

    We understand your need for performance, reliability plus trusted brand names as you make your purchase of an electric scooter.

    Covering all the bases!

    If you are in need for a motorized scooter for kids, teens, adults, the elderly and for those simple commutes around town we are here to serve you the necessary information!

    Performance Guarantees!

    At we don’t leave you hanging. It is important for you to have post sale information as well.

    Provided for you is all that important after the sale information you greatly need as you make the right choice with your electric scooter purchase.

    Answered for you are such questions as standard warranty information as well as the following:

    Who services my electric scooter?

    Where do I take my electric scooter for service?

    How long does it take to service my electric scooter?

    Which brands have the best performance records?

    What Next?

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    As you continue your research for your electric scooter stay informed with all the latest important information from the electric scooter product industry.

    For that reason we urge you to sign up for our newsletter below.

    Our Layout

    Electric Scooters is laid out for you in four distinct product categories.

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    We have made it simple for you to navigate.

    From any page of our site you will see these categories listed just below the title image of our website.

    Simply hover your mouse on any one of these categories and you will see a drop down box with article links.

    Then simply find the titles of any article that may interest you then simply click it and that page will open up for you.

    If you haven’t already now would be a great time to opt into our electric scooter newsletter below to keep informed with important information.

    Recommended Reading

    • Scooter Store
    • Scooters for Sale

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  • Scooters and Electric Scooters, including Motor and Mobility you can purchase from the best scooters stores online including offline at — Electric Scooters Buyers Guide


    The news from the Middle East, no matter when you read this, is likely to be pretty grim, with wars and problems threatening to make oil and consequently, gasoline, become ever more expensive. However, before you rush out to buy an electric car, consider the option of looking at power scooters instead. These little babies are great for short commutes around town, to take you to and from the grocery shop and even down to the dentist’s office. Here’s what you need to know: Economical First of all, power scooters are economical. Whereas a gas powered car can get, at best around 30MPG, gas powered scooters can do something in the neighborhood of …
    [Read More…]

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  • Top 4 Electric Scooter Brands in US – The Best Electric Scooters You Want To Ride Now

    The latest in-thing and the greenest way of traveling are through electric scooters. There are several e-scooter companies which have witnessed a bumper sale. Not only young people but people who are old and middle-aged also like these incredible electric scooters. Even kids also like them a lot. As a result, there are hundreds of e-scooter companies which have opened up their shop. But only the companies which are providing high-quality scooters along with good accessories are being liked by the masses.

    These electric scooters are convenient as well as highly safe. Also, they are economical and environment-friendly. People need these days’ e-scooters that are smart, handy and durable. Professional branded companies are taking care of these important points are able to enjoy phenomenal sales and soaring profits. Here is the detailed explanation of the top 4 brands that can be considered while buying your favorite electric scooter.

    Super Turbo

    • If you are searching for super e-scooters then consider going for Super Turbo brand. They manufacture scooters that are highly advanced and durable. Though they sell at a high price, sometimes $500 but scooters sold by them are worth their price. Highly powerful e-scooters with super charging facilities are you get.
    • It really feels adventurous when you zoom past your friends on these advanced and fast mobility scooters. This company sells e-scooters in three colors and those are red, green and black. Every scooter manufactured and sold by Super Turbo Company comes with 1000 watt motor and a person with weight up to 250 lbs can sit on it. The highest speed attained by Super Turbo e-scooters is 26 mph which is considered as very good.
    • Super Turbo also offers high-quality safety accessories such as helmets, leg pads, and knee pads. The best thing about having these safety accessories is that they save your body from an injury if there is a sudden fall while driving e-scooters.


    • The company Razor offers complete value for your money as the e-scooters sold by them are highly economical and reasonably priced. The best thing about Razor brand is that it is considered as the most trusted, professional and premier brand. You can opt for different colors, shapes and feature rich e-scooters.
    • Another best thing about this company is that special 8-inch tires are used which offer exceptional stability and smoother ride. The motor used by them is chain based and is considered as top notch. Another most surprising thing is that you can opt for hand operated rear brakes which offer amazing security if in case something comes in front of the scooter. These are thousands of satisfied customers who have rated them as number 1 and they highly appreciate the battery life and smooth performance of the electric scooters offered by the Razor Company.
    • It is always good to drive e-scooter at a normal speed and kids should always drive the under adult supervision before becoming a perfectionist.


    • eZip is a brand of e-scooter manufactured and sold by a company called as Currie Technologies. Kids love eZip electric scooters as these scooters are funky and colorful. There are several top notch models which are being sold such as Nano, E450, E 4.5, E 500 and a lot more. All of these top notch and popular models are able to fulfill the needs of the customers and makes them happy and fully satisfied. eZip brand of e-scooters always make sure that they always take care of the smallest details. This company has also won the award for the most versatile electric scooter and has been rated as the best e-scooter manufacturer in the entire world.
    • Now you can very well imagine that how goods is their scooters and brand value. The top speed attained by the e-scooters sold by them is around 18 mph and you will see a powerful 500-watt motor attached to every scooter. All this makes their e-scooters an ideal option for traveling long distances such as travelling to a hill station.
    • eZip Company is planning to expand their operations to the different parts of the world and very soon they will be covering the major and important cities of the world through their online shops.

    X-Treme Scooters

    • This company is little different from other brands. They offer specific varieties and they know how to read the consumer mind. As a result, people love to buy their e-scooters. If you are looking for electric scooters which have a removable seat and are suspension based, then consider buying X-Treme Scooters.
    • Apart from all this these are several more flexible options which are provided to the consumers. If you are looking for customized solutions then also you can contact them and get your favorite e-scooter designed as per your personal choice.

    The best part about this company is that they offer heavy discounts on bulk orders. The e-scooters sold by X-Treme Scooters come with aluminum mag wheels and properly sized tires which are ideal for rough and patchy roads.

    Final Conclusion

    Apart from the above said brands there are several more brands which offer e-scooters, but the brands mentioned above are considered as the best and the most popular. Finally, it is your personal choice to buy any brand and always make sure to read reviews and feedback about every brand before making a final deal.

    Another important thing to do is to compare the price as well as features on different online portals so you are able to grab a lucrative deal.

    You should also consider points such as speed and safety mechanism. Do you need a high-speed scooter or a medium speed scooter is ideal? Moreover, never ignore the safety factor because it will help you and your kids stay safe while driving the electric scooter at high speed.

    All the best and happy purchasing!

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  • Comparison of Top Electric Scooters For Adults – The Best Electric Scooters You Want To Ride Now

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  • What is Electric Scooter Conversion Kit ? – The Best Electric Scooters You Want To Ride Now

    You can either convert a standard bicycle into an e-bike or electric scooter or buy a factory assembled electric scooter. This post is all about electric scooter conversion kit, its benefits for you and for the environment, and primary types. You are also going to learn about the prices and installation of a conversion kit for your gas scooter or standard bicycle.


    What is Electric Scooter Conversion Kit

    Electric scooter kits are easy to install without professional assistance and they offer great flexibility over factory assembled electric scooters. The biggest advantage of using electric scooter conversion kit is, you can convert almost any bike model into an electric scooter. The reason can be anything:

    • Whether you have certain preferences that you don’t find in electric scooter models, or
    • You’re too heavy or tall for standard electric scooter model

    Factory assembled e-scooters offer limited speed, power, and acceleration control. They are made according to federal and provincial regulations of the country. Here, conversion kits offer you higher torque, speed, and power, for extra thrill and adventure.

    Types of Conversion Kits

    Working and technology wise, conversion kits can be divided into two categories:

    • Brushed Kits
    • Brushless Kits

    Brushed conversion kits use brushed motors in an electric scooter which is an 180-year old method. Over the past few decades, these conversion kits have been refined and perfected for better performance. This technology is quite useful when the rider has to start his bike at a kickstand position. They offer reliability, durability, and ruggedness.

    In brushless kits, advanced technology and motor have been used for better speed, efficiency, and battery backup. It was introduced in 1960’s and went through a series of modifications for better and improved power. So, a brushless motor gives better speed, power, and battery backup compared to brushed kits. However, they’re not as reliable as brushed motors.

    Price of Conversion Kit for Electric Scooter

    The price of conversion kits for e-scooters depends entirely upon your preferences. It depends upon the material used. A conversion kit for electric scooter costs between $300 and $2000. There are different brands of conversion kits, such as:

    • Currie Electric Bike Conversion Kit at around $350
    • Lithium-based battery kit from eZeebike, which is available at $800, or
    • BionX electric bike kits with powered motor, available in the range; $1440 – $2500

    How to Install an Electric Scooter Conversion Kit


    A primary concern is based in your intentions for using e-bike and the performance needed. You may have certain metrics, such as speed limit, battery life, mileage, and power, etc. If you intend to use it on a daily basis, you can opt for the small-sized motor but larger battery size. If you want to use it on trails or hills, you are going to need a powerful controller and bigger motor.

    Things Needed

    There are four main components in electric conversion kit that are required to be installed:

    • Controller,
    • Battery,
    • Motor, and
    • Throttle

    Every part is designed in such a way that you can attach them easily to your bicycle.

    Installation in 7 Steps

    Installation and assembly are relatively easy, as discussed below:

    1. Remove your bicycle’s wheel from the frame using the toolkit. If you have a conversion kit that doesn’t offer inner tube and tire, you need to remove the tire and tube from the old wheel and install on the new rim.
    2. Install the hub motor on the new e-bike rim and tighten the bolts, to ensure that the motor doesn’t spin within the fork. The wheel should rotate in the right direction.
    3. Now, install the throttle on the handlebar by removing the grips and replacing the brakes. Your conversion kit may have brake inhibitors that can deactivate the throttle while you apply brakes.
    4. Mount the battery. You can mount the battery behind the seat, which is the most common way.
    5. Now, decide where you should mount the controller. In most bikes, the controller is mounted behind the seat or just above the battery bag.
    6. Run the wiring using the instructions with the conversion kit. For correct installation, route all the wires at the back of the bike and tie them using zip ties.
    7. Connect the wires with the controller. The connection would be easy because all the wires have different color codes and you’ll know where to fit them.

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  • Razor E300 Electric Scooter Review – Better Grip, Speed & Balance – The Best Electric Scooters You Want To Ride Now

    If you’ve already tried Razor electric scooter and are looking for faster ones, E300 kick-scooter can be your ultimate choice. The scooter is claimed to be the fastest of all electric scooters offered by Razor so far. The scooter offers the speed up to 15 miles per hour – not offered by any other similar products till date.

    “Razor” is a California based company founded in 2000. The company provides action sports products for kids and adults who like snowboarding, surfing, skateboarding, motocross, and BMX.

    Razor E300 Electric Scooter Features

    If you like speedy and smoother rides, you will definitely buy Razor E300 that offers various benefits over other alternatives. Some of them are as under:

    • Speed: The single speed chain-driven motor has got a lot much better, offering super high-torque that generates 300-watt power. That’s quite sufficient to get the maximum speed of 15 miles per hour.
    • Ultra-quite chain that prevents noise during the ride
    • You can forget about manual kickoff because you can start your Razor E300 from a standing position.
    • Extra wide pneumatic front tire: for extra-smooth rides, Razor E300 electric scooter offers 10-inch  front tire.
    • The super-sized spacious deck allows you to enjoy your ride and change your positions without stopping your scooter.
    • The super-sized frame can be used by people of all sizes.
    • Twist-grip acceleration control helps you maintain your speed and balance, according to the surface.
    • Safety: You can press hand operated, a rear-brake lever attached with polyurethane rear wheel, to stop your scooter anytime you want.
    • For best performance, charge your Razor E300 scooter for up to 12 hours.
    • Recharge time: it’s recommended that you should recharge your scooter for up to 24 hours to get 40-minute continuous ride time.
    • Battery: 24-V powerful and long-lasting sealed battery system consists of two lead acid batteries (12V each). It prevents power loss and makes sure your scooter remains environment-friendly
    • Weight: Entire product weighs between 46 lbs and 52lbs and can manage a weight up to 220 lbs.
    • Assembled scooter dimensions: 41” x 17” x 42”
    • Like other versions, e300 also offers retractable kickstand.

    What’s Different About Razor E300?

    Razor E300 offers many features that were still lacking in E100 and E200. With better control, space and power, Razor E300 gets an edge over other identical products. Here are few benefits you can only get from Razor E300:

    Better Speed

    That powerful high-torque motor got better. With single old chain and 24-V battery system, the motor generates up to 15 mph speed, which other scooters can only dream about. Motor power of Razor E300 is 300 watt. To add to that, you don’t have to kick start your scooter like other versions of Razor.

    Road Grip

    To maintain a high speed while managing weight up to 220 lbs, Razor E300 offers extra wide tires to give you much better balance and road grip. If you had any balancing or comfort issues in E200, you could take E300 that offers Super-sized deck and frame.


    Pros & Cons

    Customers have highlighted many aspects of Razor E300 scooter. Following are the Pros and Cons of this scooter.

    • The scooter has got better with its Super-sized deck and frame. It means it’s more durable than other Razor E series versions.
    • The motor power of E300 is 50% stronger as compared to E200, offering you easy rides up the hill.
    • With 1-inch wider and 4-inch longer deck (width: 17-inch, length: 41-inch) you will have much better riding experience.
    • Razor E300 tire are 10-inch in diameter. It means you will have smoother rides than before.
    • Battery life is as good as before. Customers prefer this scooter because it offers 40-minute run time and long lasting battery life.
    • Most of the customers liked better acceleration control and road grip of this scooter.
    • E300 may be advanced, but its assembly and maintenance are as simple as before, like other versions of E series.
    • Razor E300 has 12% shorter run time than Razor E200.
    • As before, E300 Razor scooter does not offer complete safety because it lacks headlight or backlight.
    • You have to use external locks to secure your scooter because it doesn’t have an internal locking system.
    • Adjustable handlebars are not available in this scooter.
    • For kids below 12 years who have less weight, controlling the speed and stopping the scooter can be difficult.
    • As the scooter got heavier, it can be difficult to ride without a battery.
    • 52 lbs weight makes it a bit difficult to carry.

    Let’s see what others say:


    Installation and Assembling

    Razor E300 electric scooter takes not more than 10 minutes to assemble. All you need to do is to assemble the handlebar/shafts with the deck. Remember, that the deck comes with assembled motor, rear wheel, and chain.

    • You need to place the handlebar stem inside the collar clamp.
    • Tighten the bolt with the front wheel facing forward and handlebar squared, using 5mm Allen wrench.
    • Charge the battery for minimum of 12 hours before riding the scooter.

    This is video guide:

    Maintenance and Repairs

    Before riding the scooter, you need to check the following to ensure safety:

    • Brakes
    • Hardware
    • Wires
    • Cracks

    You can download the owner’s manual to learn how to repair and maintain your scooter (Click on E300)

    With the help of the tools included in the package, you can do the following:

    • Adjust the brakes
    • Inflate the tires
    • Tighten the bolts and nuts
    • Replace the chain

    For replacement and repair service, you can visit or contact the listed services mentioned at the back of the manual.


    Razor E300 scooter offers far better riding experience than other similar scooters. It offers speed, weight management, comfort and better control. On the other hand, it still doesn’t provide some essential safety features like lights and built-in locks for better security. Nevertheless, if your kids are just 13 years old, these missing features would not stop them from getting the ultimate riding experience offered by Razor E300 electric scooter. If you worry about its speed which can hurt your child, razor e100 electric scooter may be a better choice (10 mph).

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