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Global Surge in Electric Vehicles Sales – Electric Scooter
The rise of electric vehicles is igniting a new technological revolution. Not only it is inspiring scientists to come up with new innovations in the fields of fuel cell technology and electric mobility, but is also encouraging car makers and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to adopt at least one model of electric car in their product portfolio. These vehicles, whether fully electric, plug-in hybrid or battery-electric, are giving their internal combustion cousins a run for their money.
Research analysts of the auto industry are confident enough to forecast good numbers. ABI Research foresees a five-fold sales increase, with global revenue likely to reach $58 billion by 2021. What will fuel the growth? Greater global demand and the availability of all kinds of electric vehicles, says ABI Research. Research and Markets, on the other hand, predicts the market in US will regain stable growth after slumping in 2015. This will be made possible, with the launch of the Tesla Model 3 and the Chevrolet Bolt, among others. In Europe and China, government incentives and subsidies will get more electric vehicles on the road. Governments will even help construct and maintain electric charging stations. With regards to mass production, emphasis will be in China and India.
What could be the main drivers behind the increasing global sales of electric vehicles?
Growing awareness of renewable energy
Environment is one of the primary reasons to buy an electric car. This is the most viable choice of transportation for environmentally conscious car buyers. Everyone is eager to help reduce their share of the carbon footprint. Green is in, and even auto manufacturers and car owners know it.
Government support
Many national governments lend a helping hand to promote the widespread use of electric vehicles. They start by offering electric car owners tax exemptions, subsidies, and other forms of cash incentives. (Some city governments even provide them preferential parking permits and allow them to drive in taxi and bus lanes during rush hours.) Then, they subsidize the construction and maintenance of charging stations.
Financial viability
For most owners, electric cars promote total cost savings. People want to save money spent on gas and tax, and owning an electric car helps them cut dependence on fossil fuels and enjoy the monetary incentives that governments offer to owners of electric vehicles. Even for auto manufacturers, producing an electric vehicle is cheaper than producing its internal combustion counterpart.
Technological advancements
For car buyers, innovations are plus points for purchase, and further upgrades will increase their desire to purchase another unit. For car makers, innovations do not only help them sell more cars, but also help bring overall production costs down.
Oil price hike
A rise in oil prices would force car owners to adopt electric vehicles. This is one of the factors behind the surge of electric vehicle sales in US. Only a decline in oil prices would bring sales down.
A promising future ahead for the market
What makes the electric car market upbeat over the next few years? Expanding markets, new technologies, and increasing sales, of course. The anticipation over upcoming models from Tesla, BMW, and Chevrolet are sustaining prospective buyers’ interest in the technology. They are even willing to wait for their desired car’s official launch which will take a few years from now. What makes the wait worth and exciting for them is that new electric vehicles will feature new specs, premium upgrades, and cool tech, which may include lightweight design, double battery capacity (for longer mileage), and autonomous drive. If car makers do deliver on their promise, this will be worth the wait – and the money.
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NASA’s Hybrid Electric Plane : A Game Changer – Electric Scooter
NASA is about to step up the game in the aviation industry with its new generation X-Plane, a hybrid electric plane. As the world thrives on making all forms of transportation dependent on cleaner energy, NASA is making immense efforts to possibly replace the gas-guzzling aircraft used commercially at present. The concept is also bound to ensure that even the aviation industry can contribute to a more sustainable form of transportation. This hybrid electric plane is one of the recent projects announced by NASA.
A Quick Look at Maxwell
NASA has officially named this hybrid electric plane or X-plane ‘the X-57 Maxwell’. NASA has been leading all research and development efforts on this project. As per the announcement, Maxwell is fundamentally a hybrid electric plane that can be used for research and is equipped with 14 different electric propeller-powered motors embedded on its wings. Part of this research and development stage is to subject this hybrid electric plane to various tests in the next four years. This is to further establish a conclusion that electric propulsion can inevitably help in producing efficient, quieter, and environmentally friendly hybrid electric planes.
NASA administrator Charles Bolden also believes that this new X-plane shall open new doors and lay the groundwork for a new era in the field of aviation. The 14 motors to be installed on the plane shall be used to produce sufficient thrust during the takeoff and landing. Once it has reached sufficient altitude, this hybrid electric plane shall be using two larger motors that are to be installed at the tips of its wings. With such technology and unique concept, this plane is expected to consume in 500% lower energy that is typically required to pilot smaller private planes.
Maxwell shall bear skinny and long wings to house 12motors. A larger motor shall then be mounted on each wing in order to be used when cruising an altitude. The aeronautical aviators of NASA are yet to validate this hybrid electric plane’s system of distributing energy. The success of this project would also result in a number of benefits. Firstly, as Maxwell, the hybrid electric plane, will only be powered by battery system, the use of the plane means no carbon emission. This would essentially help researchers and business to find alternatives that would help alleviate the use of lead in aviation fuel.
Potential Benefits for Passengers or Travelers
While the X-plane is basically designed to provide a cleaner alternative to the use of planes, it is also expected to have a long-term benefit on the end of the passengers. The use of the technology to be installed in this hybrid electric plane would mean reduction in fuel consumption, flight time, and overall operational costs. It is calculated that for smaller aircraft, the saving could mean up to 40% of the original expenses or cost. A quieter motor is also more ideal. The public will not have to endure loud planes if the system is to be applied in many aircraft in the future.
In order to maximize efficiency, this hybrid electric plane has to cruise slower than it is capable of. Due to the presence of electric propulsion system, this aircraft is unlikely to get penalized due to ‘over speeding’ in the air. Generally, this is a win-win case for both the passengers and the airlines. These benefits are part of the vision of the project and will truly be the catalysts for change in the aviation business.
As per the press release of NASA, this hybrid electric plane , Maxwell, is designed to function as a private plane. This means that the storage capacity, as well as the weight of the batteries, should remain limited. In a similar concept, electric car manufacturer Tesla is also on the same page – endeavoring to develop the smallest yet most efficient batteries to power a vehicle. If this is done perfectly, then this would essentially be one of the biggest contributions of NASA to the aviation industry.
NASA’s New Aviation Horizons
Maxwell, the latest hybrid electric plane, has been one of the projects under the ‘New Aviation Horizons’ , 10-year program or initiative of NASA. The agency has embarked on this initiative with the target to produce a new generation of planes that can be used and operated using cleaner energy. These new set of X-planes are also to be designed to become quieter and more fuel-efficient as compared to the aircraft being used on commercial flights today. This electric hybrid plane Maxwell is on of the X-planes to be studied, developed and produced using the $790M fund received by NASA from the President’s budget for the fiscal year 2017. The said fund shall be solely used by the New Aviation Project and other green aviation initiatives of NASA.
There is also a good reason as to why this hybrid electric plane is called Maxwell. This electric plane is aptly called Maxwell to honor the Scottish physicist named James Clerk Maxwell. This physicist is known for his groundbreaking work in the field of electromagnetism back in the 19th century. To honor his work and contribution, NASA researchers found it fitting to name what could be a game changer in the aviation industry after this physicist. His work and his deep understanding of physics were also rivaled by Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.
NASA and its Contribution to the Realm of Aviation
Contrary to misconception, NASA is not only concerned about studying the potential and the structure of the space. In fact, for more than 100 years, NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics or former NASA) and NASA have been involved in making experimental aircraft in order to provide platforms for aviation innovation and technology. One of the recent output is the hybrid electric plane , Maxwell. The agency makes use of funding provided by the government in order to conduct these expensive and extensive research . By doing so, NASA has become instrumental to shortening the time in making aviation innovation and technologies commercially available.
X-planes, or formerly known as XS-planes ( experimental supersonic), refer to the group pf experimental aircraft that are researched and studied by NASA. Up to the present time, there are now over 56 X-planes including the most recent hybrid electric plane, Maxwell. All of these x-planes are the representation of greatest steps and breakthroughs in aviation research. A prominent example of an X-plane is the X-15 rocket plane which was launched in the 1950’s. This particular aircraft is known to be the highest-flying and the fastest winged aircraft of its era.
The New Aviation Horizons initiative of NASA will continue to need the government’s support as well as the mandate of the Congress in order to continue producing game-changing aircraft. According to NASA, there are now about five large-scale X-panes that are in the pipeline. With these five upcoming electric aircraft, the goal remains the same. This is to make use of advanced aviation technology that would slash the fuel consumption, noise, and carbon emission just like X-57 or the hybrid electric plane. The researchers intend to complete these projects so as to accelerate their launch.
The X-number on this hybrid electric plane designation was in fact assigned to the US Air Force. The first x-plane or the x-1 was launched in 1947. It was known to be the first aircraft to fly much faster than the speed of sound. After the success of this research and development, the succeeding planes carried a name with X-number. Maxwell or X-57 is expected to keep the legacy of NASA as an agency that produces exemplary and top-notch aircraft that can be used by many in the near future. Other aircraft manufacturers such as Boeing and Airbus are likewise taking the same route – all of which intend to come up with a more sustainable mean of transportation. At this point, it is safe to say that NASA and its initiatives are gear towards technological advancement and improvement of traveling . Thanks to Maxwell, the hybrid electric plane, these can be made possible soon.
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Gogoro, the Future of Electric Scooters – Electric Scooter
CEO of Gogoro Horace Luke’s passion to design was made possible four years ago after revealing this smart electric scooter inhabiting the capability that anyone has never imagined before. His creativity was popularized in Microsoft, HTC, and Nike and now in this Gogoro smartscooter. The company raised $150 million with the shared investments of HTC’s founder Cher Wang and co-founder Matt Taylor who is Luke’s colleagues. Defined as the world’s admirable ebike, the smartscooter started from nothing but purely designs. It was derived from Taiwan, being the top rated country in owning the coolest scooters worldwide, Gogoro, built the smartscooter little by little, until finally they arrived in the most innovative way and the best in finding answers on every tiny necessity of ebikes around the globe.
The Power Shortage
Due to lacking in public infrastructure’s charging station that will take of up to 4 hours or more to get a full vehicle charge, Gogoro devised a way and solve the problem through opening their own stations in Taipei for charging the electric scooters. So, instead of consuming a couple of hours just to charge your electric scooter, a two new fully charged batteries will pop out of the station and it’s for you to change the depleted batteries of your smart electric scooter. The most convenient and fast way is to drop by on Gogoro’s charging hub which you can locate thru the use of the Gogoro app. You can also make a battery reservation using this app in the nearest charging hub.
Experience a Techy Ride
Nothing is comparable to a smart electric scooter like Gogoro Smartscooter. For an instance, HTC as one of Gogoro’s founders added one of its features and that is to enable sound downloads and all the bells and whistles. It has a sleek design and an always on Bluetooth enabled smartkeys linked to the smartphone app, totally wireless connections, a multipurpose USB charger and 80 digital sensors. Gogoro electric scooter is also extremely customizable. The additional features of an unlimited tweaking of speedometer’s colors and sounds are programmed in its digital interface. You can also replace the faceplate because it is attached magnetically and you can barely choose any designs that you want. There are also programmable LED headlights and tail lights which is very aesthetic in nature.
It’s a scooter-nothing more nothing less except the alien-like infrastructure
From 0 to 50 kph (31 mph) in 4.2 seconds, is the Gogoro smart electric scooter’s regular rate of travel. It can reach up to a maximum of 60 kph which then is slightly comparable to the 57 kph of Vespa 946. Upfront view shows a safe and slow drive away, but then it can drive a faster punch of about 125cc gas engine. This makes it very appealing to young riders who look for neatness, coolness and enjoyment on the road. Indeed, this electric scooter is like as the usual scooter except its design which is very unique (looks like the one in the star wars).
Smartscooters’ Smartphone Integration
Real-time feedback can be experience due to Gogoro smart electric scooters’ linkage to smartphone apps. Truly inevitably that Gogoro comes up with an app that can run diagnostics, monitor battery levels, provide Bluetooth function, instruct you to enhance your riding experience, and even gives you notifications when there is any malfunction in the system of your electric scooter. You can also automatically set schedules of your maintenance and change of your batteries to charging hubs. Moreover, you can use wireless capabilities to show maps on where to find the closest charging stations for your depleted batteries. As well as maximizing your axis range and accelerate faster.
Gogoro Riders Subscription Plan- GoStations
Subscribing for a monthly plan for the Gogoro batteries on charging stations is a bit expensive. Aside from batteries of the Gogoro electric scooter, roadside travel assistance is also included when you subscribe to the monthly plan. These stations have two categories; the lower-use station hubs and the higher station hubs. And of course, high traffic can charge batteries faster, while lower traffic takes a whole night to completely charge two pieces of batteries. The Gogoro electric scooters’ GoStations sometimes empties a supply of these batteries that’s why it is suggested for you to have your battery scheduled for you.
Two Gogoro Batteries last for a Maximum of 60 miles
As Luke said, “Way back then- the AA battery has done a great shift in the consumer electronics industry. We think, these batteries- the Gogoro batteries/smart batteries would enable such huge innovation in wider industries”. There will also be no pollution problems anymore; only electricity must be produced somehow. Electric scooters batteries will last up to maximum of 60 miles before the rider has to change it on smart charging hubs. The reliability and efficiency of these batteries was proven and actualize in lighting homes and powering small appliances. Thus, it is not unusual to lose its effectiveness in the electric scooters.
Gogoro Smart Batteries Saves A Lot
Swapping batteries of the Gogoro electric scooter saves a lot of time for you. You can find the 2 pieces of battery docks under the lighted cargo area of the round shaped seat of the smart scooter. This is your way to change the battery of your electric scooter , you just have to slide the batteries into the spring slots.When the Gogoro batteries are not usable on the road anymore for the electric scooters, almost 70% of its capacity is refused by the Gogoro for recycling. Instead, they prefer to use it to power cells at home for small appliances and lighting purposes.
The Price is Right
After series A in 2011 which gathered around $50 million, Gogoro is planning to open a series B to expand the business of smart electric scooters. Regular price for Gogoro Lite is about NTD 88,000 or equivalent to US$2,716. For the midrange model, NTD 98,000 or US$3,025 and for the Gogoro smart electric scooter plus model it is around NTD 108,000 equals to US$3,334. Each model only differs in their level of customization. For instance, the USB enabled charger is not available in the Gogoro Lite model. Taiwan is eager to move their city forward to the use of cleaner energy, the reason why they are offering subsidies to those who are willing to purchase the electric scooters. Such case in Taoyuan, a NTD 26,000 was given on non-gasoline users.
The future of Gogoro
Gogoro smart electric scooter is continually improving its own way to the future. People from all over the globe are expecting these electric scooters to be available in their markets in more affordable prices. Luke eagerly willing to provide remedies and alternatives to any problems that Gogoro is encountering in these smart scooters. He already mentioned that in a year or two, there will be more GoStations and Gogoro smart batteries to be released soon. Taiwan is very lucky to have the Gogoro smartscooters first hand. Gogoro and its HTC investors are expected to add more features on the soon to release models of Gogoro smartscooters. It’s power saving and eco-friendly purpose to lessen to use of fuel and electric charging is expected to be more advanced in the future.
From the use of fuel engines, and now electricity and battery powered motors, cars and vehicles are now available. This realization of electric scooters had brought forth the dreams to reality concepts of mankind. Aside from being cool in nature, eco-friendly and travel buddy, you can ask nothing more. Luke did everything to make it look perfect. They are very certain that people would likely to adapt their product not only in Taiwan but also globally. Pros and Cons in this Gogoro smartscooters will arise, it is for you to balance your ideas and understanding whether you will like to have the Gogoro smartscooter in your place or not. Extreme ideas just like this smartscooter will continuously mark its name in the world market; join the flow of better living.
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Government’s Initiative for Electric Scooters for a Greener Future
Governments around the world want to cut down on carbon dioxide emission and see electric scooters as a part of the solution for a greener future. Some agencies allotted initial budget for the endeavor while private companies raised their part to contribute to further the goals and push the e-scooters to travel the streets of urban cities.
A Dollar for Every Electric Scooter per Day
E-scooter companies, like the BIRD, made a pledge of $1 per day for every electric scooter traversing the city’s streets for the development of bike lanes to protect riders from speeding motorists. BIRD e-scooter company started this initiative for other entities to follow so more electric kick scooters can join the goal for a greener future. An estimated 10,000 scooters used daily is enough to generate funds for safe and wider bike lanes in the urban areas.
The Lyft e-Scooter Company does its share by implementing the last mile solution for commuters that has to travel that extra mile to subway, bus, and train depots. A third of its equipment is at these areas where low income families dwell and public transportation is lack. This is a practical initiative than to deploy another route of public transport that could be heavy on the budget.
The LIME e-scooter company obliges every rider to submit a feedback with an accompanying photo of the parked electric scooter after the rentals use. The entity offers discounted rates to low income persons needing a ride to their destination.
These actions foster a blossoming social relationship between governments and e-scooter companies and will further deepen when the cooperation is continued with the noble purpose of a greener future using the machines. Another great thing about this collaboration is for e-scooter companies fulfilling its promise to pick up parked rented scooters daily after every use. Previous systems left duly rented scooters spread around the city posing as road hazards to commuters and pedestrians.
Electric Scooters Benefit Almost Everyone
Almost everybody win with the entry of electric scooters on the mainstream of short commutes. The local and national Government will attain its goal to reduce harmful gases strewn in our surroundings, commuters’ concern on the last mile problem has the solution by using these e-vehicles, traffic congestion and parking areas has the answer with the e-scooters on the road, and electric scooter companies will make more money in sales and rentals.
The setup is a win-win situation where urban cities win, commuters win, and e-scooter companies win. Scooters indicate the improvement of lifestyle using these micro-mobility vehicles. People just love to scoot around for work or pleasure. But there are some negative effects to riders as per their usage of the e-scooter.
An example of this is the speed limit imposed on a city in Germany called the “light electric vehicle Bill”, where it states that electric scooters should have a maximum speed of 20 km/hr, the maximum legal speed allowed for the light electric vehicle. The bill is not amenable to electric scooter rental entities that has models speeding up to 30 km/hr when activated; riders will have a tendency to go at faster speeds with this model.
Electric Scooter companies target is the replacement of 50% of fossil fuel commutes in every city that will involve the e-kick scooters. The electric scooter will be evolving in a fast pace to reach its goal of massive deployment in urban cities around the world and it will be here sooner than everyone expect.
Not everyone will be happy with the electric scooter invasion of the road. Oil companies would probably see a small dip in their sales; car businesses would slow down its production that will trickle down the line of other entities involved with these affected conglomerates. Nevertheless, the electric scooter’s aim is for a greener future, that has to go first.
The Electric Scooter Evolving for the Greener Future
Expect electric scooters to improve its features in preparation to its massive invasion on the streets of big cities in the world. Since its adoption as an alternative to short commutes, problems arise significantly with immediate solutions. The next models for release will have improved travel distance and upgraded battery capacities to avoid recharging in the middle of the day. This is one area of concern of current users of electric scooters. Batteries and charging capacities will be better than its early counterparts.
Future releases will have a dedicated micro controller instead of prototyping kits that contain elements for long term evolution parts (LTE) used to increase the capacity and speed of the electric scooter with a different radio connectivity together with the core network improvements.
Expect a more powerful motor for rugged terrains. You need improved engines to negotiate those uphill climbs and the rugged off road tracks that are not so flat.
Convenient turning lights on your e-scooters will help avoid falls.. Some riders met their accidents while trying to activate a signal light with one hand before turning on an intersection or a curve. The action could cause the rider to lose control on the handlebars and fall off the electric scooter.
Foldable electric scooters will be put on hold. These designs are the ones to go first; it affect construction durability. Improved designs will be out soon for a stronger and reliable ride. An adjustable height feature will go with this new design.
Another feature added to your downloaded scooter app is the volume of carbon dioxide saved on your ride with an electric scooter. It would encourage drivers to turn to using the electric scooter for short commutes.
New pricing plans will be available for e-scooter users and improved payment schemes and discounts will be for the shared e-scooter renters. E-scooter companies aim to develop and improve every aspect of the ride in preparation for a mass deployment to urban cities across the planet in the future. The issue of winter is coming and should have a resolution of the electric scooter delivering its services in this season.
Above everything else, the electric scooter for a greener future is the mode of transportation while Google is to the internet.
More concerns for tackling marks the road map of the electric scooter. Follow us by visiting our website at
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Is Your Motorized Scooter Legal – Electric Scooter
If you are planning on buying a moped or motorized scooter, it is important that you first do your research and become acquainted with your state and local laws.
For example, motorized scooters are not permitted on public motorways in the state of Florida. While they are classified as a motor vehicle, they cannot be registered and subsequently insured. This is because they do not meet the requirements of Florida’s motor vehicles manufacturing standards. If you do decide to buy a motor scooter in Florida, you can only legally ride it on private property. You run the risk of being ticketed if a police officer catches you riding on the street or sidewalk.
New York
New York State also prohibits the riding of motorized scooters on its sidewalks and motorways. Motorized scooters, mini-bikes, dirt bikes, Golf Carts, and Go-Karts are unable to be registered at the state DMV. Because of this, they cannot be operated on public roads. While these machines can be ridden on private property, they are virtually impossible to use in New York City on account of how developed and expensive property is. That is not to say that people still don’t use them on the streets and alleyways of New York City, which is resulting in a city-wide police crackdown.
The state of California, however, is a bit more lenient. In order to drive a motorized scooter on public roads you are required to have a valid driver’s license or learner’s permit. However, the device doesn’t need to be registered or insured. As long as you operate it at a speed no greater than 15 miles per hour, and ride it only in the bicycle lane, you are operating within the confines of the low. However, you must never ride on the sidewalk or carry passengers.
Before you purchase a motorized scooter, like a GoPed, you should do the research regarding your state and local laws. A good start would be to browse your state’s DMV webpage and see if you can find any specific information that pertains to motorized scooters. If all else fails, ask someone at your local law enforcement agency. Ultimately, you, as the driver, have the responsibility to find out the rules and regulations of the road.
But what about mopeds?
Mopeds are a bit different. Much more powerful than their motorized scooter counterparts, but weaker than motorcycles, mopeds have been used as a means of transportation for years. While the laws behind riding a moped vary city to city, state to state, a general rule of thumb is to have a driver’s license. In some states, like California and Texas for example, you will be required to have:
Special Driver’s license for motorcycles and mopeds.
Mopeds might also require insurance before they are permitted on public motorways, so be sure to check your state’s laws before you make a purchase. Additionally, due to their low power, mopeds are not permitted on fast expressways like the Interstate Highway. With that said, they do make an excellent mode of transportation around neighborhoods and areas of a city.
Electric Scooters provide high quality scooter at affordable price.
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Scooter will revolutionize public transport – Electric Scooter
Electrics scooters will revolutionize public transport as they have been a very important part of many countries where there is almost no urban transport or overcrowded streets which require navigation. But people still consider it unusual without actually understanding the flexibility and freedom it offers. E-scooters can charge in less than 2 hours and can be folded and transported just about anywhere. They can also be ridden anywhere pedestrians can go. Here’s we’ll discuss how the electric scooter came into being and how the idea will change the face of public transportation.
Scooter will Revolutionize Public Transport
Business idea
The idea originated in China where everyone rides sit-down scooters or some type of electric scooter. The legalities were a problem in Europe with everyone wanting 125cc scooters and these offering just 50cc. No one respected the scooters because of this. But when the 250-watt scooters came out in China, it was a product that didn’t need insurance, licenses, road tax, etc. Running costs were negligible, and they offered excellent mobility too. What more could you ask for?
Licensing and distribution
It all started with E-TWOW. They had a FWD scooter with twenty-four patents pending. It was one of the best. The product was selling in France already and had been introduced in the US five months prior to the meeting. There was no one in Italy or Germany, and the UK market was untouched too.
The brand has been developed mostly with a focus on online sales. Lots of people buy them online, and there is a low expectation of service among them. They also speak with each customer before making a purchase so that they make the right choice.
The evolution of E-TWOW
They have a good list of products in the pipeline, and this is one of the main reasons the business was such a lucrative investment. They hope to have an actual Vespa type, sit down electric scooter within a year. With engineering being one of their core skills, this doesn’t seem like an idea which is too far-fetched.
Market and competition
Differentiating yourself from the competition is very important. Since they don’t sell at cost, they need to differentiate, or no one will buy their products. Where they stand out is their customer service. In the beginning, they were nobody; they didn’t have a reputation to rely on. But since they are providing efficient customer service, they are growing quite quickly into a force to be reckoned with and clearly revolutionize public transport.
An unexpected turn
Initially, they wanted to offer customers a way to track scooters which were stolen. But after a while, they realized that tracing scooters offered a lot more when it came to carbon emission savings.
Cities all around Europe are under pressure to control carbon emissions. The primary cause is congested urban transport like cars, taxis and trucks. Electric solutions is a great way of supporting this goal.
They don’t just want to be a quirky product. They want to be a real product which offers value to every city they are used in.
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Argo 150cc The Right Scooter for You – Electric Scooter
The Argo 150cc automatic scooter might be perfect for you if you are looking for a quick and stylish way to commute across the city. It has the stylish look of a vintage Vespa, but it costs a fraction of the price.
Argo is a subsidiary Bajaj Auto, an Indian motor company that specializes in motorcycles, scooters, and rickshaws. Bajaj products have been known for their superior quality and consumer friendly prices, and they are looking to gain traction in the American market.
The Argo 150cc is the Next Big Thing
Not only does the Argo 150cc have a stylish body style, it has also been carefully designed for performance and safety. The body panels have been engineered with special, extra strength polymers that are designed to withstand heavy force. This means that you can hit your moped’s body with a hammer and not damage the exterior.
The scooter is also equipped with front and rear hydraulic brakes that are designed to come to a complete stop quickly and smoothly. The brake disks have been designed to work under high stress and are guaranteed not to malfunction.
Argo 150cc The Right Scooter for You
The Argo 150cc comes equipped with a Yamaha engine, which is synonymous with performance and durability. In addition, before a scooter hits the showroom floor, it undergoes a compulsory 21 point safety test. This test is done to ensure that the scooter meets Bajaj’s strict safety and performance standards. If you keep your Argo 150cc properly maintained, it should not give you problems during your daily commute to and from work.
In addition to excellent craftsmanship and pristine performance, each Argo 150cc comes with the following:
- Heavy duty switches and buttons.
- Durable shock absorbers.
- Stylish aluminum alloy wheels.
- A battery that is already charged.
- A special clear coat over your scooter’s paint job that is designed to protect against ultraviolet damage and scratches.
- Durable tires that are designed for all weather conditions.
- A special bracket that is designed to hold American number plates.
- A detailed Owner’s Manual.
- A parts and labor warranty that ensures your moped stays running smoothly and safely.
Overall, Argo scooters have established a reputation that is synonymous with success and durability. You can expect up to 20,000 miles from your moped without any issues. If you do find that something is wrong with your scooter, Argo’s mechanics are competent and capable of fixing the problem in a timely manner. Furthermore, as a new owner, any problems with the scooter will be covered under your warranty.
Before You Buy Argo 150cc
Before you buy the stylish, new Argo 150cc, be sure to read up on your state and local laws. In most states, you will be required to purchase insurance for your moped or scooter. Additionally, check whether you require a driver’s license before you buy a moped. Few places will let you ride on public roads without a license, and most states will require that you obtain a special motorcycle license before taking your scooter on the street.
By following the state laws, you are ensuring that your commute is safe and legal.
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Disability Scooters for Kids – Electric Scooter
Disability Scooters Bring Relief to the Physically Challenged
Disability scooters, sometimes also called mobility scooters, have been bringing relief to aged and infirm for some time now and they’re only getting better and becoming more common. Unlike the electric wheelchairs that we sometimes see disabled people using, disability scooters are designed more for those who can walk but who find doing so to be very difficult and painful. They are usually designed with three wheels, two in back and one in front, along with a small bicycle basket in the front.
Street Legal in Most Cities
Because disability scooters are designed for a specific segment of the population, they are mostly street legal in certain cities even though they tend to be relatively slow moving vehicles. They are obviously not intended for use on highways or even major thoroughfares. However they are perfect for getting around the neighborhood, providing new mobility to those who have become unable to move around much on their own. For this reason, they are generally tolerated by the police even though other, similar scooters might require licensure to drive on city streets.
Able to Enter Some Stores
In some cases, disability scooters can also be used inside of stores, to a limited extent insomuch as the store has enough room to move around. However, each individual store does tend to create their own rules and many do restrict the use of these vehicles for the simple reason that they would create too much trouble for other customers.
Often Paid for by Medicaid/Medicare
If you are a Medicaid or Medicare recipient, you should speak to the seller of your disability scooter to find out whether or not your insurance will cover the purchase or lease of the vehicles. Many private insurance companies also cover the purchase or lease of disability scooters, though again, you would need to speak with the insurance company to make sure.
Picking a Disability Scooter
When considering which disability scooter you’d like to own, it’s important to consider your needs and your own ability to be mobile.
An Electric Wheelchair May be Better
As previously noted, while some stores do allow disability scooters to enter their premises, many do restrict their use in order not to interfere with others in the store. However, an electric wheelchair by comparison is always welcome inside of stores because of the Americans with Disabilities Act which requires stores to allow for wheelchair access to their premises.
Therefore, when picking a disability scooter, it’s important to consider your personal mobility needs and to consider the possibility of purchasing an electric wheelchair instead, since you may be required to park your scooter outside the store rather than entering with it.
Four Wheel or Three Wheel?
Another consideration when looking at disability scooters is whether to purchase a four wheel model or a three wheel model. While most disability scooters are three wheel models, the four wheel models may provide more stability, though they will also make it harder to go certain places because of the added bulk of these larger disability scooters.
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The right hoverboard for girl: 5 models to look into – Electric Scooter
Is there such thing as a hoverboard for girl? Of course, there is. Although self-balancing scooters or hoverboards may not exhibit a feminine-inspired look, their fancy colors, features and specs do glitter in the eyes of gals. But if it is not enough, a girl can just replace the hard plastic shell with a custom shell that is adorned with flowery art, cute figures, gold glitter or anything that resembles the decors of her bedroom or scrapbook. If she’s asking for a hoverboard for girl that is studded with diamonds, that is way too much. But hey, diamonds are a girl’s best friend, right? Brands could roll out one but it will come with an expensive price tag.
What is the right hoverboard for girl?
Any self-balancing two-wheel electric scooter that is safe, durable, and high quality is good for all girls as long as she is capable of driving it and is not overweight. Hoverboards are recommended for ages 14 and above, and the maximum weight most self-balancing e-scooters can support is up to 220 lbs (100 kg).
If you are looking for a hoverboard for girl as a gift to your daughter, girlfriend, or spouse, make sure it is UL certified. Any self-balancing electric scooter that is UL certified is deemed safe for use. It has successfully passed a rigorous series of tests to determine its safety and quality. It has the assurance that it will not catch fire. Look for the UL holographic certification label with the enhanced mark on the bottom of the hoverboard for girl and the UL Mark for self-balancing scooters on the packaging. The UL mark should also appear on the charger/adapter and battery pack. (To know if the battery is UL certified, open up your hoverboard safely.)
5 recommended self-balancing e-scooters for girls
There are hundreds of self-balancing electric scooter brands and models in the market. Which of them is the right hoverboard for girl? Without further ado, we introduce the following models, which we think every girl should have:
Razor Hovertrax 2.0 Hoverboard
When it comes to safety and brand recognition, Razor is the name you can trust. The company may have arrived late in the self-balancing e-scooter scene and their entry was just a result of acquiring the patent rights to the Hovertrax from Inventist, but they never fall short of quality workmanship. In fact the Razor’s Hovertrax hoverboard for girl is just one of the few hoverboards that are UL certified.
The lightweight Hovertrax weighs 25 lbs (11 kg) and supports a maximum load of up to 220 lbs (100 kg). The rubber wheels come with aluminum hubs to promote a smooth and safe ride. The self-balancing electric scooter has a scratch resistant shell made from high quality plastics with shatter-resistant polymer. Running on dual hub motors, the device is powered by a 36V lithium-ion battery pack, which takes up to two hours to charge. This hoverboard for girl has two hours of continuous runtime and a top speed of 6 mph (9.6 km/h), which is already fast and safe enough for gals not to run into an accident.
Balancing is easy, thanks to the patented EverBalance technology. The Hovertrax will balance itself out even without pressure on the anti-slip foot pads, so it is easier to get on and off the coolest-looking hoverboard for girl.
miniPRO by Segway and Ninebot
The miniPRO by Segway and Ninebot is the first self-balancing electric scooter to become UL certified before any hoverboard. It is also one of the first few hoverboards that integrate features and functions with digital connectivity. By accessing the Segway and Ninebot smartphone app, you can operate the miniPRO via remote control even without riding it, adjust the LED lights, enable the anti-theft alarm, modify safety features, and view the device’s performance. The miniPRO is indeed the most advanced hoverboard for girl.
Since it comes with a padded knee control bar that is never found in conventional hoverboards, the miniPRO offers a highly innovative steering method rather than foot-pivot steering. You steer by gently pressing left or right on the steering knee bar, which can be adjusted to suit individual rider’s height. Looks like an easy-to-use hoverboard for girl, huh?
The miniPRO has an aircraft-grade magnesium alloy frame and 10.5” shock-resistant pneumatic tires, thus being able to support a maximum load of 220 lbs (100 kg) and offer riders a safe and stable ride. This self-balancing electric scooter by Segway and Ninebot features a 1600W dual motor engine and a powerful UL certified lithium-ion battery. The fastest and farthest this hoverboard for girl can go is at 10 mph (16 km/h) and 14 miles (23 km), respectively.
The Jetson Future Foot is a good all-rounder self-balancing electric scooter. It is one of the heaviest hoverboards in the market, weighing 28.8 lbs (13 kg), but also one of the sturdiest and most durable, being able to support a maximum load of 325 lbs (147 kg). The good weight capacity is complemented by the 8” wheels and a pair of hard rubber tires. This hoverboard for girl speeds up at 13 mph (21 km/h), undoubtedly one of the fastest self-balancing electric scooters. And thanks to its very powerful battery, the Jetson Future Foot can travel up to 13 miles (21 km) on a single charge.
IO Hawk
The IO Hawk is one of the earliest self-balancing electric scooters to come out in the market, and it’s one of the most popular and durable too. It offers riders a clean and handlebar-less locomotion. Coming without a handlebar, the IO Hawk allows riders to balance and maneuver more naturally. Indeed, it is more exciting to ride a handlebar-less hoverboard for girl.
The Hawk has landed with a cool feature that is not present in most self-balancing electric scooters: it comes with LED backlights just like in cars and motorcycles. The rear LED lights do not only serve as a cool factor, but also as an added security feature. It acts as an indicator for pedestrians and motorists moving behind you, informing them of your presence and the direction you intend to move. The LED lights come in handy for this hoverboard for girl that absolutely makes no noise when it glides.
The IO Hawk, made of lightweight and sturdy material, has smaller footprint compared to the massive miniPRO. The self-balancing electric scooter weighs only 22 lbs (10 kg). With the Hawk’s compact built and lower weight, you can take it around with you wherever you want. What’s more, the Hawk offers two riding modes: the beginner mode with a maximum speed of 4 mph (6 km/h) and the standard mode at 6 mph (10 km/h). This hoverboard for girl take 2-3 hours to charge, travels up to 12 miles (19 km) on a single charge, and supports a whopping 280 lbs (127 kg) maximum load.
This is probably one of the best-looking self-balancing electric scooters that market has ever seen. For girls who love listening to music while on the go, the Wonfast happens to be the right Bluetooth hoverboard for girl you need. The Wonfast comes with an on-board Bluetooth speaker, which you can pair with your mobile phone so blast around as you cruise along. But the Bluetooth is not the only thing that makes the Wonfast cool.
The Wonfast features a 36V 4.4AH battery pack and two 250W motors – a combo that powers the device at a top speed of 6 mph (10 km/h) and keeps the ride for up to 12 miles (20 km) on level ground. This hoverboard for girl is equipped with dirt-resistant rubber pads, durable rubber tires on sturdy treaded wheels, LED indicator and front lights, and a metallic power button. The Wonfast self-balancing scooter can support up to 264 lbs (120 kg) maximum load.
Which hoverboard for girl are you going to buy? Each one looks impressive. Don’t miss every one of them.
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How Does An Electric Scooter Work?
Traveling in a bus while going to the office was becoming too hectic for me. I was becoming fed up with getting stuck in traffic as it felt like a waste of time. One of my friends suggested that I buy an electric scooter for my daily commuting. I have never used a personal electric vehicle before. One question that came into my mind was, how does an electric scooter work?
But, after riding my friend’s electric scooter, I made up my mind to buy one for getting to work, for shopping, and for daily commuting. Riding an electric scooter is fun; it takes less time, and can help with getting to destinations quickly.
How To Ride An Electric Scooter And How Does It Work?
Are you new to the world of electric scooters? If yes, here are some tips to guide you along your way:
- If you are a beginner, learn to ride an electric scooter in an open space. It will help you maintain the right balance and will give you the confidence to ride.
- Find a smooth surface, as this will provide you with plenty of room and help you understand how it operates. When the surface is predictable, it becomes convenient to ride the scooter, knowing that there are no obstacles.
- Generally, electric scooters have three different gear mode settings that give more power as you shift gears. Sharpen your skills to ride an electric scooter by driving it in the first gear. It will help you push the throttle to apply the brakes at the right time. After gaining the confidence in riding on mode one, try out other modes/gear to become clear which mode/gear suits you the best.
- Every scooter has different ways of breaking. Some have drums, some are electric, and some have a disc braking system. All braking systems work well, but disc brakes work best in all weather conditions.
- Electric scooters require a kick start. Unless you use the kick start, the motor will not kick and will not give you the most power to speed up the scooter. One important thing to keep in mind is remembering to kick start only when the kickstand is up.
- Before kick-starting the scooter, check around you that everything is clear and then only slowly push down on the accelerator. This will help to boost the motor and will help you attain higher speeds.
- Once you are on the deck, stay relaxed and hold the handlebar firmly. Concentrate on the terrain ahead and be wary of where you want to go. Keeping your body calm will help your joints to bear the bumps of bumpy roads.
- When you stay relaxed, it becomes easier to ride on uneven surfaces as you fully control the scooter.
- Positioning your feet is one thing that you must take care of. If the rear fender is not made for breaking, do not keep the feet off it. If there is a sticker on your scooter saying do not step on to it, follow it.
How Do Electric Scooters Work?
When the rider uses the scooter, the throttle sends signals to the wires that further send alerts to the controller making the battery work. The energy the battery releases helps the motor work by moving the wheels of the scooter front and back.
Before learning how electric scooters work, it is vital to understand the components of the scooter:
- Motor: The motor determines the speeds the scooter can reach. Two types of engines are more prevalent in an electric scooter: brushless or brushed hub-motor and PMSM motor. Today, the DC brushless motor is the best as it is fixed on the wheels that help attain better torque and speed. It has the ability to increase the performance of the scooter by 85 to 90%.
- Battery: The battery capacity determines how long a scooter will run for and thus the range it can reach on a single charge.
- Tires/wheels: Pneumatic and solid tires are two popular types used in electric scooters. Both have their benefits as pneumatic tires better cushion the effect and make rides smooth. There are fewer chances of wear and tear in the case of solid tires as the quality of the rubber is solid and durable. On the other hand, solid tires are better as they last longer than air-filled tires and are puncture-proof.
- Framework: Every scooter component is attached to the framework, which is generally made of steel, aluminum, or carbon fiber. Make sure the handlebar and the deck are slip-resistant. The handlebar and the seat should be adjustable so that you can customize your scooter to suit your height.
All these parts together make an electric scooter work. The performance, speed, and distance covered everything depend on the different components of the scooter.
Note: if you are a hiker and love climbing hills on an electric scooter. It is better to buy a scooter with a motor capacity above 300 watts, as the watts help the rider determine the power generated by the scooter. Scooters up to 600 watts are excellent. But as a beginner, something around 200 to 350 watts will be fine.
How Does An Electric Scooter Battery Work?
To know how an electric scooter works, one ought to understand how the batteries of an e-scooter work. As explained earlier, an electric scooter’s battery plays a vital role in enhancing performance. Today, electric scooters have lithium-ion batteries. These batteries are long-lasting, reliable, durable, and lightweight.
The voltage provides a power supply to the motor; thus, the higher the volts, the better the energy storage capacity of the battery. The range of any scooter depends on the battery. For calculating the watts-hours of a scooter, the ampere-hours need to be multiplied with the voltage/volts.
Thus, it is the battery capacity that determines how far a range the scooter can travel without charging.
How Do Brakes Work On An Electric Scooter?
Electric scooters have three types of brakes that ensure the safety of the rider. With the hand brakes, braking is instant as the rider presses the brakes on the handlebar. These brakes are generally disc or hydraulic brakes that get active as the rider presses them. Immediately, either the rear or the front wheel stops, making the rider safe on uneven roads or circumstances.
Riders should learn how to use the brakes effectively. Using both the front and the rear brakes can help you stop as soon as you hit the brake on the handlebar. Electric brakes are very common in electric scooters, making them work instantly per the user’s requirement.
Today, the regenerative braking system is popular in electric scooters. It allows the DC brushless motor to send electrons to the battery, making the motor forcefully stop working. All the scooters have either dual or a single motor that helps the rider to attain great speed.
Make sure that the speed is not more than 20 mph. According to the American street laws, the speed limit of an electric scooter is 30 mph that is essential to make it street legal. However, there are scooters like the Dualtron X that can reach an extraordinary speed of 55 mph.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Does An Electric Scooter Work, And What Are Its Main Components?
The core of an electric scooter is its powerful motor and battery. When the scooter is running, the battery produces electricity that travels to the motor via a group of wires. The motor runs and propels the scooter forwards.
Does An Electric Scooter Suit Your Needs?
Today, roads are filled with vehicles. There is a traffic jam that people face either while going to or while coming from the office or shopping. Traveling via trains, buses, and cars can be time-draining. The electric scooter is one of the most convenient ways of daily commuting. It is also one of the best eco-friendly and cost-effective ways of riding around a city.
Parting Words
In this article, we have answered the question of how an electric scooter works? I hope reading the article will help you understand that an electric scooter works with different parts, most notably the battery, motor, brakes, tires, and framework.
Daily commuting has become fun and a time saver for many with owning an electric scooter. Today, with the changing times, not only can you recharge your phones and laptops, but it has also enabled a growing world of personal electric vehicles. These have made travel convenient, affordable, and enjoyable.
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