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Outdoor Team Building Activities – Best Electric Scooter Reviews 2016
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The most important thing to have within any group or organization is teamwork. As cliché as it may sound, teamwork really does make a big difference when it comes to the basic foundation of an organization. When a company hires a lot of individuals who are very good, intelligent, and hardworking, this does not immediately result to a cohesive and unified team. This is because people, no matter how good they are at their work, possess different qualities, come from different backgrounds, and mesh with different kinds of personalities. Therefore, something must be done in order to promote good working relationships among all members of an organization. This is the reason why many organizations require the implementation of team building activities.
A team building usually entails various activities that challenge a team physically and mentally, thus, proposing many benefits. First, it helps unify the team members towards a common goal. This helps increase the productivity of a team, as they learn to work together more efficiently and accurately. Second, it motivates the team to work more confidently together, as the team building activities foster a healthy level of competitiveness among the members. Third, it helps the team members get to know one another, professionally and personally, which strengthens their relationship as a team. It also introduces each member the strengths and weaknesses of their teammates, which could help them overcome future obstacles. Last but not the least; it encourages the team to work more creatively and think out of the box due to the unique nature of team building activities.
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The most common (and the most fun) of all team building activities are those done in the outdoors. This is because the activities a team could do are endless! Some fun outdoor team building activities include:
Treasure Hunting
The team is divided into several groups. Each group is given a clue to find a succeeding set of clues that would ultimately lead them to the treasure. Every clue may require the group to solve a brain teaser, find a hidden item, or complete a fun yet challenging physical task. The first team to reach the treasure wins the game.
Ropes Obstacle Course
Each team is required to hold a piece of rope. While holding the rope, the team is required to do various tasks, preferably physically challenging ones. Every time a member of the team lets go of the rope, the team will have to repeat the current challenge it was completing. This activity promotes teamwork because it requires the teams to recognize their strengths and weakness, and to overcome these.
Minesweeper Challenge
A large piece of cloth or paper with grids is laid down on the ground. Each box may or may not secretly contain a mine. The game master is the only one who knows the pattern of the mines. The goal is for each member to get across the other side of the cloth/paper. Each member of the team is required to take his/her turn individually. The first member will try to step on a grid until he/she reaches the other side. A step is rejected when a grid is marked with a mine. A member who steps on the mine must go back to the starting point. It is the team’s job to remember whether or not a mine lies beneath a certain grid. A member who has reached the other side of the mine can help or coach his other team members.
Spider Web Escape
Beforehand, the organizers should create a large spider web wall using yarn. There must be a hole in the middle big enough for people to go through them. Make sure the hole is not too low that members can just crawl out of it. The team must figure out a way for all the members to get across the other side of the spider web. Any strategy may be used as long as the web will not break.
Human Knot
A person is tasked to close his eyes while the rest of the team forms a circle. Each member forming the circle must hold hands with the person beside him/her. They must tangle themselves without letting go. They must make it as difficult and confusing as possible. The person closing his eyes must then solve how he can restore the circle without breaking the chain.
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