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Anonymous I was with my racing club, there is about electric_scooter seven of us and every Friday we get together to electric_scooter compete until the top two best racers race for the electric_scooter grand prize of 150, and this month it was me electric_scooter and T.J. I was undefeated champ and our scooters were electric_scooter about even. I had a Go-Ped shred with every modification electric_scooter you can put on it. It was about 1,600 and electric_scooter he had a mosquito stinger which could go about thirty, electric_scooter so nobody knew who would win. The race started, he electric_scooter took off faster than I could see but I caught electric_scooter up to him and we were side to side. Then electric_scooter he took a turn too quick and for some reason electric_scooter our scooters latched together and we both jumped off our electric_scooter scooters went about 11 feet in front of us. He electric_scooter blacked out and I was down for five seconds. I electric_scooter got up, looked at T.J., then I looked at the electric_scooter truck that just took our scooters.

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