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Hey, my name is Mike. You might know me as lilgopeddude electric scooter parts from GPN. But anyway, I’m here to share my crash electric scooter parts stories (2). My first one is a typical crash. I electric scooter parts was going full throttle down the street and hit a electric scooter parts gap in the road and flipped over the handle bars. electric scooter parts I got up and examined my road rash: I had electric scooter parts it on both my palms, my elbow, wrist, shoulder, knee. electric scooter parts The worst part was I had to ride to a electric scooter parts hot girl’s house to call my mom to pick me electric scooter parts up (I was far from home and she lived the electric scooter parts closest to the crash scene). Oh, and my Go-Ped was electric scooter parts still running when I fell. My other story isn’t that electric scooter parts bad but it’s sorta funny. Me and my friend were electric scooter parts riding after it rained out and I saw a puddle, electric scooter parts so I stopped (we were on a sidewalk). He didn’t electric scooter parts see me stop so he ran into my Go-Ped full electric scooter parts throttle and he luckily flew on the grass, but the electric scooter parts grass was full of mud so he got very dirty. electric scooter parts I suffered a broken engine shroud and a dented muffler. electric scooter parts

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