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joe blow I had just finished working on my Ped tweaking electric scooter accessories the carb, and I had it running great. I had electric scooter accessories it maxed out at 30MPH, and I was riding around electric scooter accessories in a parking lot. I was coming up to a electric scooter accessories curb, and decided that I better slow down. When I electric scooter accessories let go of the throttle it was stuck wide open. electric scooter accessories So I paniced and grabbed too much front break and electric scooter accessories did a face plant at 30 MPH. I got nasty electric scooter accessories scars on my arm that are still there a year electric scooter accessories later. I cut open my nose and forehead, and broke electric scooter accessories a toe. I looked up and my Ped was still electric scooter accessories running and that was all I cared about.

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