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Kids Scooters from electric scooters to push scooters inlcuding motorized, motor scooters at — Electric Scooters
We are your kids scooters headquarters here at as we feature the most reputable manufactures who value performance and safety first. Browse out site and you will find informative product reviews from our researching team. The most trusted brands will fill our product selection offering you the best deals for your money. Our goal is to help you locate a scooter your child will love to ride and give you the confidence knowing your loved one will be safe while getting the most enjoyment from their ride. Keep an eye out for the age requirement recommended for all of our models. We have electric scooter models reviewed for children as well as kick and Razors. Once you have found the right scooter for your kid, you can purchase a scooter from a retailer we recommend on our site. You will find the best prices and shops that will offer you the best service. Each retailer will thoroughly explain to you their shipping terms as you can choose express if you would like your kids scooter sent out to you as soon as possible. If you need service after the sale we have you covered. All of our recommended manufactures offer their customers clear and concise warranty information on their site should you require servicing. Be sure to visit us often as we are your buyers guide for kids scooters and keep us in mind for the holiday season and those special occasions like graduations and birthdays. We keep our content fresh with reviews of the latest models to hit the market.
Scooters for Kids at Electric Scooters
All of the popular electric scooters for kids are reviewed on our site. Many manufactures recommend the minimum age for a child to ride an electric model to be at least 13 years of age. For children under the age of 13 be sure to read our kick and razor scooter model reviews that will be fit that age group. Don’t forget about those safety accessories for your child. You will find an excellent assortment of helmets to protect your loved one. Keep your child safe and sound with protective elbow, knee and arm padding. You have a kiddie in the household ages 3-5 who just isn’t big enough to handle big brothers scooter yet? No worries, they won’t be left out. You will find kiddie scooters that are built exclusively for children between the ages of three and five years old. Mini Kick has some very popular models of kiddie scooters that will keep your preschool aged child happy and enjoying the ride just like his big brother. Just about all our electric scooter models reviewed that are available for sale has adjustable handlebars. This allows for comfort and safety as the kids scooter can adjust to the height of your child. We know with kids you want scooters than are durable. We have models on our site that have received the best reviews for durability and can stand up to the rigors of being handled by school age children. We know you want the best for your child and be rest assured we have got what you are looking for.
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Commute Scooters can be found for commuters that want electric scooters | — Electric Scooters
With gas prices reaching record highs the time has never been better to invest in an electric scooter. Those in city trips to school and for shopping begin to add up to big bucks at the pump. It’s time to convert some of your dollars spent on gas to dollars spent for yourself as you will have more money to spend when you make those drives to the mall. Many small scooter manufactures has models perfect for those city drives where you don’t need to go beyond 40 miles per hour. Look for electric scooters with a 50 cc engine and you will be in possession of a model that is gas efficient, saving your dollars at the pump at a very good price. There are plenty of things to consider as you shop for your commuter scooter. Space is an important issue as you prepare to make your buying decision. You will need to think about what items you desire to transport as you ride your commuter scooter to work, school or for those trips to the shopping mall or grocery store. Do you live in areas of in climate weather? If so you will need to plan for storage of weather gear. Stop by our accessory store as you can enhance your purchase with items such as a trunk box that will make transporting school books and important papers safe. If you are riding an electric scooter chances are by law you will have to wear a helmet for safety. If you plan on transporting a passenger you may want to pick up an extra helmet with your purchase.
Scooters for Commuters
As your browse out buyers guide online you will find commuter scooters from only the best manufactures. Quality workmanship is a must as we display only the brand leaders in the industry. You won’t find those cheaply made models that give up durability and performance for the purpose of coming in with a lower price point. Remember all scooters are not made the same. Workmanship is vital for consumers when you shop for your commuter electric scooter. As you shop online for your product please be aware of the safety accessories you will need. We offer gloves, boots and weather garments allowing for the safest ride as possible. For those commuters who may need to ride the freeway we recommend shopping through our reviewed selection of 250cc models of electric scooters. These scooters are best for freeway driving giving your good stability with speeds between 75-85 miles per hour. Not only will you save at the pump you will save in routine maintenance expenses as electric scooters are much less costly to maintain than that of an automobile. And when it comes time to pay the DMV to renew your registration you will find lower costs as well. If you plan to purchase insurance for your electric scooters according to insurance experts the averaged cost is about $300 dollars a year saving your hundreds of dollars per year had you insured your car. Purchasing an electric scooter may save you money on your taxes. Check out the IRS website to see if you live in a state where you can qualify for tax savings on your purchase.
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Power Scooters are a Great Choice for Short Commutes — Electric Scooters
First of all, power scooters are economical. Whereas a gas powered car can get, at best around 30MPG, gas powered scooters can do something in the neighborhood of 100MPG. Yes, that’s right – power scooters can do as well for you as a Chevy Volt or a Nissan Leaf. Plus, while the power scooters that you see on your city streets may not get the oohs and ahhs that your Chevy Volt is getting, the fact is that the owner of the Chevy Volt will spend around 20 times the amount of money for his car as you’ll spend for your scooter.
Another great thing about power scooters is the convenience factor. Let’s face it – when you drive around in a car, especially in the city, not only do you have more of a chance of getting stuck in a traffic jam, but you also have a much better chance of being trapped without parking. Try getting around New York City during rush hour for example, and you’ll be sitting in traffic for an hour and then pay a garage $30 for 30 minutes to park your car, if you can even get into the garage (many of them have signs up saying that they’re full, even at the crazy prices they charge).
Compare that with power scooters and you quickly realize that it’s no contest. Power scooters can get around traffic jams while still remaining perfectly safe, allowing you to get to where you need to get to quickly and easily. Add to that the fact that power scooters can easily be parked by chaining them to a pole and you’ll got a winning combination.
Better for the Environment
For the environmentally conscious amongst us, even the electric car can’t beat power scooters as far as providing the feeling of doing good for the environment. It’s a simple matter of physics. If you were to use an electric scooter for example, you’re simply moving that much heft since you don’t have a whole car around you which needs to move together with you. You just have a little engine with two wheels. This means that no matter how efficient electric cars get, they’ll never be as friendly for the environment as power scooters.
Bottom Line
The bottom line is this: power scooters are a great choice for all of your short commuting needs. While you may not want to ride one on a 3,000 mile cross country trip, for everything else, including the average commute that most of us have to work or to the grocery store, it’s clear that nothing beats power scooters.
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Mobility Scooters has many scooters for kids from different type of electic mobility scooters at — Electric Scooters
There are many advantages for using a mobility scooter if your find getting around a bit difficult. For those who have a hard time walking a mobile scooter may be a better choice than having to navigate with a wheelchair. Those who move around with a cane or walker may be putting themselves at high risk for an accidental fall. Some may need to lean on the shoulder of a loved one as well to travel and that too can lead to accidental fall. A motorized scooter is your intelligent choice as it provides you with the safety of moving around without the stress of avoiding a fall while navigating with a cane or walker. Through our research we have found that many would prefer an alternative to a wheelchair and prefer the styling of a motorized scooter. They also like the benefit of the seat swiveling making getting in and out of the electric scooter much easier and requires less exertion. Before making that decision it is most recommended that your first consult with your doctor. You must understand that a wheelchair does have some advantages. They are a bit more lightweight and allow the users to get more exercise than using an electric scooter. Cost may also factor in your decision because buying a wheelchair is a bit less expensive. If you are in the market for a mobility scooter for your child we offer several makes and models for you to choose from within our webpages. The products we offer provide a safe and comfortable ride for your loved one.
Mobilty Scooter for Sale
Help avoid cane and walker injuries and make the switch to a mobility scooter. Just as important for you will be your ability to move around stress free. Avoid the worry and anxiety of falling and buy a scooter. Your loved ones will also have less worry and anxiety in their lives knowing you will be less likely having to make a trip to the hospital to care for an injury. In our electric mobility scooter store we offer the best brands and have identified for you the best deals for your money. All our manufactures provide reliable and durable products and come with warranties that the manufactures stand by 100%. Our staff has put in the work to secretly shop the vendors and manufactures for exceptional product delivery and customer service. Product specifications are laid out for in an easy to read format and provide you with all the vital information you need to make the right decision. You will find three wheel and four wheel mobility models to choose from. They are identified very clearly with clickable links that will direct you for additional product information. All of our shipping information is specifically explained as there are several options for you to choose from like standard or express shipment to your home or business. We have state of the art secure credit card processing making your personal information totally safe at the point of purchase. Be sure to visit our accessory store prior to check out if you would like to enhance your mobility scooter experience even further.
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Cheap Scooters May Not be Such a Good Idea After All — Electric Scooters
Cheap scooters aren’t necessarily cheap because they are on sale. They’re cheap because they’re made cheaply and one of the principle ways to make such cheap scooters is that they use tiny motors. CC is a measure of displacement, meaning the amount of power that a scooter has. Many of these cheap scooters offer just a 50CC engine. Unscrupulous salespeople will tell you that 50CC is plenty for getting around town, but the truth is that such a tiny engine is not only worthless, it’s also dangerous.
Not Enough Power for Hills or Switching Lanes
Never mind going on highways with these tiny, cheap scooters. You can’t even take them onto hills because they simply won’t have enough power to allow you to climb the hill effectively. Imagine for example trying to go up one of San Francisco’s famous hills on one of these cheap scooters. Instead of getting over the hill, you’d end up falling back down and into traffic. They’re also no good for switching lanes because the pickup on these models is so miniscule as to be worthless. You’ll find yourself constantly being outflanked by cars and put into serious danger of losing life and limb because you buy a super cheap scooter.
Brakes and Wheels Are a Problem Too
Another problem with cheap scooters is that you’ll find that the manufacturers often skimp on the brakes. Some of them even use nothing but bicycle brakes, even though these things ostensibly are designed to go much faster than most bikes could ever go. Tires on super cheap scooters are also prone to blowouts, again causing severe safety concerns when using them.
The Minimum for Cheap Scooters
Now that’s not to say that you can’t find cheap scooters which are safe. You can. However, you’ll want to look for one which has at the minimum a 125CC engine so that you have enough power for basic trips around town. If you happen to weigh more than 150LBS or you know you’ll often be carrying heavy groceries, consider purchasing something with even more power since even the 125CC scooters are not going to provide much power.
Buy for a Real Scooter Store
Finally, be sure to buy from a store that actually knows something about selling scooters. Yes, you can still buy cheap scooters at these places, but they’ll be able to tell you the difference between a cheap scooter which is a death trap and the ones that are reliable but still cheap enough to make into the category of cheap scooters.
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Why You May Want to Buy a Motor Scooter — Electric Scooters
Today, motor scooters, including the popular Italian Vespa line of motor scooters are used by professionals and adults of all kinds to get to and from work. These people ride a motor scooter and laugh at those who still stand around filling their tanks with gas twice a week. In most cases, it’s possible to fill the tank on your motor scooter just once a month and be done with it. Add to that the fact that your motor scooter tank is around 1/3 to 1/4 the size of your traditional car gas tank and you quickly begin to see the appeal of riding a motor scooter instead of a car.
Yes, They Have Trunks
One of the biggest complaints that many people have about riding a motor scooter is that they’ve seen the super cheap models sold by some big box stores which don’t have trunks and which seem like they’re little more than toys. Here’s a shocker of a news item: they are little more than toys. A real motor scooter, the kind that you’d actually want to own has a powerful engine to get you safely around town and includes at least a small trunk for taking some groceries home or for sticking your briefcase into your motor scooter. While they’re not going to let you do shopping for a family of six all at one time, these kinds of trunks are perfect when you forgot to buy a gallon of milk and you need to pop down to the all night Wal Mart to grab some for the morning.
Most People Own Them In Addition to a Car
While there are many people who do try to rely exclusively on a motor scooter for all their needs, most people report that they do keep a car for the occasional times when a motor scooter just won’t do. For example, in the middle of a serious snow drift, or when they need to take the entire family on a summer vacation. However, these same people say it’s totally worth it because they use their motor scooters for 90% of their transportation needs and save a fortune on gas, insurance and maintenance for their cars as a result of owning their motor scooter.
And Yes, Even People Who Work In Offices Use Them
Finally, for the office types who have to show up to work wearing a suit and tie, it is definitely possible to use a motor scooter. You simply have to arrange to neatly fold your jacket into the trunk so that it’s neat and fresh for when you arrive at work on you
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What to Look for When You See Scooters for Sale — Electric Scooters
The first thing to look at before purchasing any scooter is the CC or cubic centimeters. This is a measurement of how powerful the engine is. To put this into perspective, a full fledged motorcycle will typically have at least a 1,000 CC engine, while the best schools for sale today will have in the range of around 400-600 CC engines.
Stay away from anything less than 125CC and even then, try if at all possible to go for at least 250CC. The scooters for sale at big box stores which have 50CC engines may be tempting since they are so incredibly cheap, however, you pay for that when you get them on the road and realize that your fancy new scooter can’t even climb a hill and is in fact quite dangerous to take into real traffic.
The truth is that those things shouldn’t be sold as “scooters for sale” at all. Instead, they should be classified as “toys” which can be used in the backyard, but not on roads.
Look for Signs of Obvious Damage
If you are looking at used scooters for sale, it’s important to look for obvious signs of damage on the scooters. These include things like rust or paint that doesn’t seem to quite match what the rest of the scooter has on it. Not only do you not want to pay full price for a damaged scooter, but, like a car which has been in a wreck, a rebuilt scooter will not necessarily perform the way you want it to perform and will ultimately be a waste of money.
Take it for a Test Drive
Another thing that you should look for when considering scooters for sale from both private owners and used dealers (as well as new dealers, though to a lesser extent) is that they should be willing to let you take it out for a test drive to see how the thing handles. This is another reason to avoid the cheap scooters for sale at big box stores since you can’t see how they handle and ultimately, you’ll be spending a significant amount of time on the thing, so you want to know that you’ll be comfortable.
Bottom Line
The bottom line is that the old saying, caveat emptor, let the buyer beware, applies whenever you are looking to buy a scooter. Especially when you are looking at used scooters for sale.
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The Best Scooters for Adults? It Depends what You Need it For — Electric Scooters
Before we start however, there is a need to define what we mean when we say the best scooters for adults. That’s because the word scooter has so many different meanings that it’s impossible to tie it down to just one type of vehicle. Everything from kick scooters (which are basically sort of the thing where you stand on a thin piece of metal while two wheels roll down the street) to dune buggy like vehicles and things that resemble motorcycles can be listed as a scooter.
Therefore, in order to clarify, we’re going to list the three broad categories of scooters which form the best scooters for adults. For your individual needs, we suggest reading reviews of different models in order to choose the one that’s right for you.
Electric Bikes
While technically an electric bike is not a scooter, so many people searching for a list of the best scooters for adults tend to think that electric bikes should be included in this list that we felt it important to mention them in this article.
In essence, electric bikes are like a traditional bicycle with one important addition – they have an electric motor attached to them which works on the “pedal assist” principle. This means that these kinds of bikes will give you an added boost when you ride them around town, though you do still need to pedal them as well. The nice thing about these things and the reason they make our list of best scooters for adults is that they are street legal without the need to get a special license. In most cities, these things are considered to be the equivalent of a regular bicycle and are licensed as such.
Another common type of vehicle which shouldn’t be on a list of “best scooters” for adults but which makes the list by virtue of simply being such a common misconception about what a scooter is, is the moped. These officially are like a hybrid of a bicycle and scooter. These kinds of vehicles tend to be able to be powered completely on their own or under pedal power. The important thing to consider about such vehicles however is that cheaper models are often not street legal and the ones that are street legal typically require a license and insurance.
Full Motor Scooters
Finally, the best scooters for most adults who need reliable transportation to get around town without having to work up a sweat are going to the full fledged motor scooters, like Vespa and X-Treme brand motor scooters. These vehicles are stylish and designed with adults around town in mind and definitely make our list as being, for adults at least, the best scooters.
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Owning an E-Bike Makes Economic Sense — Electric Scooters
In most cities in the United States today, an e-bike is perfectly road legal as long as it’s what is known as a “pedal assist” bike. What this means is that the bike is able to work with just pedaling and indeed, the motor will not operate without pedaling, however, when you use it with the motor, you’ll find it easier to pedal. Plus, because it’s legally classed as a bicycle, you don’t need a license to ride such a vehicle, unlike a scooter or a moped.
How the Technology Works
In essence, the technology for an e-bike works by giving you a boost of power when you pedal away. It’s kind of like the feeing when your dad was teaching you how to ride a bike and you felt him holding the back of the seat and pushing you along. It’s not that you don’t have to pedal, but it is that instead of pedaling fast enough to go 10-15 miles per hour on e-bike, you only have to pedal fast enough to go around 3-5 miles per hour. In order to keep such bikes road legal, they are designed to only kick in when you pedal.
But What Makes Them Economical?
We’re glad you asked that question. An e-bike allows you to save money in a wide variety of ways. First, as noted above, you don’t need a license to ride one. Not only does this mean no expensive lessons in how to ride an e-bike (motorcycle and scooter licenses require extra lessons to learn how to ride them), but you also don’t need to worry about purchasing insurance (though in some cases, you can do so anyway if you’re worried about the possibility of being held liable for damages).
Gasoline Is a Thing of the Past
As if that’s not enough, consider the fact that gasoline is a thing of the past when you have an e-bike. You charge the batter at home and all you need to pay for is the cost of the electricity, which is a fraction of the cost of paying for gasoline. Even scooters can’t beat these kinds of economics and you know that scooters get crazy gas mileage of anywhere from 100-200MPG.
Parking and Tickets Disappear Too
Finally, the thing that makes an e-bike so economical is the fact that you never have to worry about parking it – just find a pole and park your bike there with a good, thick chain to deter thieves. Plus, tickets are pretty much never issues to bike owners meaning that alternate side of the street parking and the attendant tickets are a thing of the past when you use an e-bike.
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- Scooters for Sale
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Is There Such a Thing as a Gas Bicycle? — Electric Scooters
The first thing to consider about a gas bicycle is whether or not it is street legal. Different cities have different rules regarding the use of such vehicles and you’ll have to check with your local department of motor vehicles to be certain. However, for the most part, the most basic version of a gas bicycle, which is called “pedal assist”, is legal in American cities (though you still need to check as a handful of localities may have laws against them or require licensure).
What Is Pedal Assist?
When it comes to gas bicycles, the most basic version is known as pedal assist, as noted above and most of these are street legal. In essence, what a pedal assist gas bicycle does is to have the gas motor kick in when you start pedaling. As soon as you stop pedaling however, the gas motor stops running. The idea is that because the motor is simply assisting you rather than actually performing under its own power, it is legally considered to be like an ordinary bicycle and this means that it is street legal in most American cities. There are however other options when it comes to buying a gas bicycle…
Pedal Alternative (Moped)
An alternative to the pedal assist style gas bicycle is what some call a pedal alternative gas bicycle (although the technical term for it is actually moped, as in motorized/pedal since it’s a hybrid of motorized vehicle and pedal vehicle). In essence, these kinds of vehicles have pedals and can be pedaled if you feel like doing so. However, it’s also possible to simply rest your feet on the pedals and use the gas motor to let you glide along through traffic. Typically, the gas motor on these kinds of bikes are small and won’t give you much more speed than pedaling might, however they can make life easier for those who don’t always like to pedal.
Keep in mind however that these kinds of gas bicycles are often not street legal since they can work under their own power. You need to check with your local department of motor vehicles to find out for sure before you start riding around on one.
You Need to Use Your Head with a Gas Bicycle
It’s also important to know that this kind of gas bicycle requires judgment on your part. Trying to use the motor to get up a hill for instance is generally a bad idea, since the motor is often not powerful enough to do it and you could find yourself falling down into traffic if you do so.
Bottom Line
Yes, there are definitely such things as a gas bicycle (although electric versions are more common than gas powered versions). However, depending what you mean by that, you may need to check with your local department of motor vehicles before you purchase such a gas bicycle.
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- Scooter Store
- Scooters for Sale
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