Category: Uncategorized

  • How Long It Takes to Charge an Electric Scooter – Best Electric Scooter Reviews 2016

    Electric scooters were invented to make the world a better place. As the world slowly advances to the future, more and more inventions were created and more and more smoke emissions were spread.

    Electric Scooters are intended to be environment-friendly vehicles. They are powered by electricity and they do not emit harmful gases. In the present time, many people were encouraged to use vehicles that are not powered by fuel. This is to save the environment and the atmosphere due to harmful gases and activities caused by human advancement.

    One of the issues that make people hesitate in buying hybrid cars and electric powered vehicles like the electric scooter is its power source and refuelling method. People are often afraid of being stuck in the middle of the road because they ran out of power. This is unlike fuel-powered vehicles that can run a long mile and can be refueled at any gasoline station. While electric scooters need a power source to be able to  recharge the batteries. You have to wait for a couple of hours to be able to fully charge your electric powered vehicle. Many people thought that electric powered vehicles can not work as good as the fuel powered vehicles. Actually, Electric powered vehicle work the same way or even better as other fuel powered vehicles as long as you charge the batteries properly. Aside from that, as compared to the fuel powered vehicle, e-vehicles are faster in terms of its acceleration and they are easy to keep in shape since there are only a few components that are inside the vehicle.
    So how do you charge the batteries of our electric powered vehicles. Here are the steps on how to charge your electric power vehicle. What are the things that you need to remember when you are charging your e-scooter?

    Before charging the vehicle you need to take not some of the important things in order to make your charging successful. You have to check indicators of the charger and the batteries in order to know if you were able to charge the battery.
    You will know that your scooter is fully charged when the charger light shows a stable green light after being charged for 12 hours. If you see a solid green light even if you only charge the battery for less than 12 hours, it means to say that there is a possibility that your battery is not fully charged yet. You have to remember, if you are not able to charge the battery until completion, there is a big possibility that your vehicle will drain faster than usual. You can still continue to charge your battery even if you take it out for awhile. It is also fine to charge the battery even if it is not completely drained.


    STEP 1

    You need to make sure that you have the correct charger. Make sure that the voltage of the charger and your battery match. This is very important because inaccurate voltage may cause damage to your battery or it might cause short circuits. Commonly, the voltage needed for electric scooters ranges from 24 to 36-volatege charger depending on the scooter model

    STEP 2

    Plug charger into your electrical power source. You should be able to see a solid green light. This indicates that your charger is charging.

    STEP 3

    After plugging toward the power source, you plug the connector towards your e-scooter. Charging ports differ from different models and brands. It is best that you read the manual to check where the charging port is located. Make sure you see a solid red light. This indicates that the battery is charging

    STEP 4

    When the charging is complete, the charger will show a green light. You can now unplug the charger from the wall and you are good to go.
    It is very important that you know the basics of electric powered vehicles. People might think that it is impractical to own one. But if you think about it carefully, there are lots of perks that you could get from it. You can save not only the world but also the money from maintaining a fueled engine.

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  • Getting a License in Riding Electric Scooter – Best Electric Scooter Reviews 2016

    Due to federal laws, it’s always important to have a license in order for you to become legible in riding around the streets and major highways in the whole world. Getting a license is very important in order for you to become someone who abides by the laws of the road properly. However, you need to note of the various guidelines when it comes to this matter because this is way different than getting the usual license that we tend to use for our automobiles and motorcycles. You have to check first if there are some laws regarding licensure in e-scooters on your state before you proceed to the application, and be sure to follow the rules that they provide as well.

    Next is to take note that the procedure needed in order to get a license in riding an electric scooter is just the same as getting a driver’s license because that very license is what they only need for e-scooter riders. Here are the steps in order to get one:

    Driver’s Manual

    The first thing that you need to do is to visit the DMV by walking into their office in order to get your manual. You can also visit their website if you want to get their manual via online or through your phone. This is a basic manual for those who want to operate a vehicle, and it contains well-detailed procedures.

    Get a Social Security Number

    There are some states that might require you to get this one first before you proceed in getting your license. If you happen to be a regular citizen, rest assured that this is easy to get if you don’t have one yet. If you’re having a hard time due to some laws, such as those who have a different type of visa, then be sure to get a letter of request from SSA and get a TIN before getting your social security number. Always remember this before you proceed.

    Apply for an Exam

    An exam for drivers will be held in order for them to identify if you’re worthy of owning a license. If you already know the various guidelines that they have for driving, then go ahead and start the exam by visiting the DMV once again in order to get the written test started. In order to start, you need to show a proof of identification such as a passport or a green card for immigrants. The test doesn’t usually have a time limit for you to finish, but always make sure to ask before you proceed in order to avoid problems. The test consists of multiple choice questions.  Once you pass, you can start the next step.

    Driving and Road Tests

    The next thing that you will get is a driving test in order to show if you are knowledgeable about the road. Take note of using e-scooters along the road and be aware on driving on the actual streets since these vehicles are affected by the laws, too. It will require payment, but it will also help you learn more about using a car if you also don’t know how to use one yet. After that, road tests will follow where an insured car will be provided to you during this procedure. In some states, a temporary license is given as you take the tests. Results come immediately, and if you happen to fail, you only need to go back to DMV to take the test again (with lesser tests to do depending on your mistakes).

    Getting the License

    Lastly, in order to finally get your license, all you need to do is to show your proof of identity, as well as your legal status in the country along with proof that you passed the tests. Fees will apply, but it will ultimately give you your rights to use your electric scooter along the road. Vision tests will also apply here to prove that you’re safe when driving on the road.

    This is a good thing to consider, so you can finally use your electric scooter once you want to bring it outside, as well as learn how to drive other vehicles. So be sure to follow these guidelines if you want to get a license.

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  • Balancing Technology and Outdoor Play – Best Electric Scooter Reviews 2016

    Children are born not to be stuck inside, but to enjoy the life outside. Studies revealed that most children nowadays spend most of their time using the breakthroughs of technology and spend least outdoor time. Parents play significant role in balancing technology and outdoor play of their children. Many children also spend about seven hours using electronic devices, yet only few minutes outside to play outdoor.

    This only shows that the media plays a big role in today’s society, but it can impact powerful downside to children if it’s not managed properly.  Research revealed that engaging outdoor activities makes children grow strong and lean as well as improves their imagination. On the contrary, children spending more time with technology most likely suffer in their studies.

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    While technology is significant part to adapt the changes in the 21st century, it should be used in moderation. Technology is a wonderful tool for playing and learning, but it is more important to balance green and screen experiences so that your children will grow up healthy and happy. On the other hand, staying outside is very important for the healthy development of children. Spending more “green time” lengthens and widens the attention span, lowers stress, improves empathy and enhances critical thinking skills.

    Balancing technology and outdoor play is very important for children so that they will enjoy the benefits of both worlds. Letting your children play outside make their body active and work in unison. The actions and decision making are shaped by highly sensitive kinesthetic systems. The power of multi-modal experiences is missed out if your kids are stuck indoors.


    Though technology helps children to learn, taking your kids for a walk will widen the attention span as compared to playing video games. It doesn’t only fix some attention problems, but also useful in improving focus. This is the reason why children with ADHD are given balanced activities in both indoor and outdoor.


    Communication is affected if there’s no balance between technology and outdoor play. Though technology is an effective means for communication, but there’s no context. With this, kids won’t learn effective and civil communication. One of the drawbacks of children spending most of their time inside the home is that they become withdrawn and isolated even if they are connected online.


    The issues involve with technology can be reduced through moderation. This time, parents should take part by monitoring proper technology practices. Encourage your children to have face-to-face communication and should take breaks. Parents should impose a schedule, for instance, for every minute of using technology, there should be an equivalent of five minutes doing other things such as playing toys, talking to others and other activities.

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    Evidently, parents learn more about technology through their children. This is one of the reasons why the bonding time of the family is restricted indoor, but this should not be the case. Parents can still learn technology even without trading places. This can be done by following these three simple criteria:

    1. Technology can be used in planning outdoor activities. 2. If your kids love technology, embrace it. But, take it outside.

    3. Use technology by taking photos or videos of the adventures shared with your children.

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  • Outdoor Team Building Activities – Best Electric Scooter Reviews 2016

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    The most important thing to have within any group or organization is teamwork. As cliché as it may sound, teamwork really does make a big difference when it comes to the basic foundation of an organization. When a company hires a lot of individuals who are very good, intelligent, and hardworking, this does not immediately result to a cohesive and unified team. This is because people, no matter how good they are at their work, possess different qualities, come from different backgrounds, and mesh with different kinds of personalities. Therefore, something must be done in order to promote good working relationships among all members of an organization. This is the reason why many organizations require the implementation of team building activities.

    A team building usually entails various activities that challenge a team physically and mentally, thus, proposing many benefits. First, it helps unify the team members towards a common goal. This helps increase the productivity of a team, as they learn to work together more efficiently and accurately. Second, it motivates the team to work more confidently together, as the team building activities foster a healthy level of competitiveness among the members. Third, it helps the team members get to know one another, professionally and personally, which strengthens their relationship as a team. It also introduces each member the strengths and weaknesses of their teammates, which could help them overcome future obstacles. Last but not the least; it encourages the team to work more creatively and think out of the box due to the unique nature of team building activities.

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    The most common (and the most fun) of all team building activities are those done in the outdoors. This is because the activities a team could do are endless! Some fun outdoor team building activities include:

    Treasure Hunting

    The team is divided into several groups. Each group is given a clue to find a succeeding set of clues that would ultimately lead them to the treasure. Every clue may require the group to solve a brain teaser, find a hidden item, or complete a fun yet challenging physical task. The first team to reach the treasure wins the game.

    Ropes Obstacle Course

    Each team is required to hold a piece of rope. While holding the rope, the team is required to do various tasks, preferably physically challenging ones. Every time a member of the team lets go of the rope, the team will have to repeat the current challenge it was completing. This activity promotes teamwork because it requires the teams to recognize their strengths and weakness, and to overcome these.

    Minesweeper Challenge

    A large piece of cloth or paper with grids is laid down on the ground. Each box may or may not secretly contain a mine. The game master is the only one who knows the pattern of the mines. The goal is for each member to get across the other side of the cloth/paper. Each member of the team is required to take his/her turn individually. The first member will try to step on a grid until he/she reaches the other side. A step is rejected when a grid is marked with a mine. A member who steps on the mine must go back to the starting point. It is the team’s job to remember whether or not a mine lies beneath a certain grid. A member who has reached the other side of the mine can help or coach his other team members.

    Spider Web Escape

    Beforehand, the organizers should create a large spider web wall using yarn. There must be a hole in the middle big enough for people to go through them. Make sure the hole is not too low that members can just crawl out of it. The team must figure out a way for all the members to get across the other side of the spider web. Any strategy may be used as long as the web will not break.

    Human Knot

    A person is tasked to close his eyes while the rest of the team forms a circle. Each member forming the circle must hold hands with the person beside him/her. They must tangle themselves without letting go. They must make it as difficult and confusing as possible. The person closing his eyes must then solve how he can restore the circle without breaking the chain.

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  • 10 Classic Outdoor Games That Are Still Fun – Best Electric Scooter Reviews 2016

    As a kid, playing outdoors was one of the most anticipated activities to be done on weekends and most especially, every summer. At school, we still get to enjoy outdoor games during our break time and dismissal.


    Playing outdoors is healthy and helpful in developing physical strength, agility, endurance, confidence, and social skills. Kids who are used to sedentary lifestyle tend to have slower and weaker development, as compared to the active ones. Physical inactivity is a negative gesture and should not be practiced by kids, who are still developing, to avoid eventual health issues.


    Time may have passed, but some classic games are just too difficult to ignore and/or forget. It is truly a fine gem to see these games still played by kids. Kids deserve to experience the kind of fun we had during our youth.

    Here are 10 unforgettable games that still give us the fun we have always wanted:

    Hide and Seek

    The unforgettable game played not only by kids but also by adults. Hide and seek can be played indoor and outdoor.

    The game is open for everyone interested to play. At least, three players should participate the said game, with one who counts at least in tens with eyes closed for the remaining players to find time to hide.


    Apart from the blackboard, chalks can also be used to sketch those grids for hopscotch along the sidewalk.

    This game requires the player to toss either a piece of rock or beanbag starting from the very first square and hop with only one foot. After successfully hopping the squares, you stop at the square prior to where your rock or beanbag is currently positioned and pick it up while balancing with just one foot.


    Who would ever forget about this classic game? Kickball has always been a favorite by most kids since it allows kids to test their strength.

    The rules are simple. If you have knowledge about baseball and softball, then this game should not be a problem; though people with no idea about the aforementioned games can also easily learn the game after a few tries.

    Dodge Ball

    Here is another classic game mostly played by kids when placed outdoor. This game is one of the ideal games in measuring your agility and analytical skills.

    The more the players, the merrier the game is. The game is divided into two groups; one group dodges the ball, while the other group targets the players who are inside the field.


    Patintero, also known as Patubig, Lantay-lantay, or Tinubigan, is a famous street game from the Philippines. This game requires quick thinking and fast movement to avoid losing the game.

    The players are divided into two teams in even numbers. One team, known as the runners, is given the task to cross the entire area without being tagged by the opponent. The taggers, on the other hand, guard the area without stepping off the line.

    Capture the Flag

    Capture the flag is a simple yet thrilling game that requires two teams. Based on the name alone, each team is required to capture the flag without being caught by the opponent.

    The flag is visibly positioned within the team’s base. The mission of the game is to guard the team’s flag and steal the opponent’s flag, thus requiring the team to plan ahead on what to do and study the opponent’s players.

    Jumping Rope

    If you think this is only open for athletes, then guess again. This game is also one of the most played games by kids.

    It is a simple game that requires players to skip the rope as many times as they can without stepping on the rope. It can be played singularly or by three, depending on your preference.

    Trip to Jerusalem

    Trip to Jerusalem or Musical Chairs is a game commonly played in a party. Another simple yet fun game that obliges players to dance around the chair while the music is on. When the music turns off, each player should have a chair to sit on. When one player fails to secure a chair, he or she is out and another chair is to be removed from the area.

    The number of chairs available should depend on the number of players. For example, when there are 8 players, there should only be 7 chairs available.

    Red Light, Green Light

    “Red light” is when the players are mandated to stop while the “it” observes the player. Whoever is caught moving shall go back to the starting point. “Green light” is when the players can freely move towards the “it” while the “it” is facing away from the players.

    The game continues until a player reaches the line and tags the “it” player.

    Kick the Can

    It is another game similar to that of hide and seek and tag. Kick the can has an “it” player who closes his or her eyes while counting. After which, the “it” looks for every player who is currently hiding.

    When the player gets tagged by the “it”, he or she stays in a place where the captured are. However, when the player gets to kick the can, all the captured players can be released. Once all players are captured, the “it” player wins the game.

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  • Safety Tips When Riding Electric Scooters – Best Electric Scooter Reviews 2016

    Riding an electric scooter is definitely a lot of fun. If you haven’t tried riding an electric scooter, but you are interested in buying one, you should definitely learn how to ride it with utmost care and responsibility. Electric scooters may not be as fast as the regular gas-powered kind, but they still go as fast as 20-30 miles per hour. This is still a significant amount of speed which can be dangerous if not ridden well. As far as safety is concerned, you can never be too complacent. As the saying goes, it’s better to be safe than sorry. This is why before purchasing one, you must read and prepare yourself for the risks and precautions of riding an electric scooter.

    Safety Tips

    In case you feel like you need to know more safety tips and reminders, don’t worry. To help you ride more safely and have an enjoyable ride, read on, as we have prepared a comprehensive list for you!

    Read the Manual

    As soon as you get your hands on your electric scooter, make sure that you also get its accompanying manual to get a full briefing of the specific model you bought.

    Always Ride Alone

    Electric scooters are fundamentally designed for one rider. You could cause a hazard if you try to fit more than one person on your scooter.

    Be Alert

    As with driving any type of vehicle, you must always be alert and proactive when riding your scooter. It is always best to be a defensive driver, which means you should always be vigilant in avoiding accidents and doing harm to others. Avoid talking on the phone, and always keep your eyes on the road to avoid pedestrians, fast cars, nearby manholes, etc. You will never know if something will just pop up on the road and take you by surprise, so it’s better to be prepared by looking ahead.

    Ride Cautiously

    It is pretty obvious that you should not be doing any risky behavior when riding. Yes, it may be cool and fun to ride your scooter, but there is a time and place for everything. If you really can’t help trying out a trick, make sure you are doing it in a safe and non-crowded area. However, you must never attempt any rowdy behavior when riding at a highway or main road.

    Follow Traffic Rules

    It is always important to follow general traffic rules and regulations. Just because you are driving a small electric scooter, it does not mean you cannot cause any accident or hurt anybody. One way of following the rules is by staying on the scooter-designated side of the road. Traffic rules apply to all drivers, motorists, and even pedestrians.

    You may not be aware of this, but there are also scooter laws that must be obeyed. To know the laws and regulations for your area, it is best to contact the Department of Transportation or do the necessary research.

    Wear the Proper Riding Gear

    You must always wear the proper riding gear no matter where you are riding. May it be a small street in the suburbs or a busy street in the city, you can never be too safe. The basic riding gear includes a helmet and knee pads, elbow pads, wrist pads, rubber shoes, and gloves.

    You can also wear bright and eye-catching clothing to be easily identified by other drivers on the road. You can also make use of lights and reflectors for safety during the night.

    Check Your Scooter

    Electric scooters require lower maintenance as compared to the regular kind. However, you must always make sure that your scooter is in good condition. You might never know when an internal damage has been done until it’s too late. Always have regular check-ups by bringing your scooter to an expert.

    Learn How to Troubleshoot

    In case you have not taken your scooter to be checked by an expert, it is always best to be familiar with the wirings and internal system of your electric scooter. This is also useful in case of an emergency. Even if you just know the basics, it can already make a huge difference in keeping you safe on the road.

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  • Electric Bikes vs. Electric scooters – Best Electric Scooter Reviews 2016

    Due to climate and crude crisis today, people are now open to engage in electrically powered vehicles. Several vehicles that are electrically powered can be seen in the market today, but the most popular ones are the electric bikes and electric scooters. A lot of discussions have been made regarding the differences of the two in terms of their drawbacks and advantages. They are both electrically powered vehicles, but which one is better than the other? Here, let us try to see which one is really the better pick.

    Electric bicycles: perks and drawbacks

    Electric bicycles or e- bikes are convenient to those who are fond of traveling using a bike in the city and even to those who cycle in hills, mountains, etc. Electric bicycles are lightweight, making it easy for you to control it in an effortless way. To some of the countries, electric bicycles are not really considered as motor vehicles; therefore, using one doesn’t require you a driver’s license. Aside from it being beneficial in the environment, it also offers a lot of gains in your health. One good example is that it permits your body to exercise as you cycle. These bikes are also convenient in case you will find yourself stranded somewhere. Electric scooters would prove to be useless when their batteries are dead– unlike the electric bikes that can be still used and pedaled if ever its battery dies down. Electric bikes, in comparison to electric scooters, are more normal in features since most e-bikes appear just the same to those regular ones and thus this is the reason why some would prefer to use it than the electric scooters.

    Its downside though is that most of e-bikes only have a range of about  15 to 40 miles, so a long  distance travel using an electric bike may not be possible. Though it is supported by law to some countries, it is opposed and banned in some places such as the city of Shenzhen in China. Laws governing its requirement varies depending on the country you are in, which makes it a little bit confusing.

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    Electric Scooters: its perks and drawbacks

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    Electric scooters are considered to be more lightweight as compared to the electric bikes. Because of this, the cost of its production is more inexpensive than that of the electric bikes. Aside from this, it is also cheaper to ship and easier to be transported. You can carry it at the back of your car or even in two-wheeled vehicles as it is light in weight and small in size.

    However, in the city, people are less comfortable using an electric scooter on the streets as they do not seem to be fitting in the bustling city. Electric bicycles are rather more typical in the urban areas.

    Their similarities

    Depending on the size and weight of the electric bikes and scooters, as they come with different mass and dimensions, both can have a lot of similarities.

    Electric bicycles and scooters don’t have much difference when it comes to performance. In some experiments, it has been tested that electric bikes and scooters pose the same degree when it comes to range and speed.

    Since both electric scooters and bicycles are using electricity as its source of power, there is no need to use fuel. They are considered to be both commendable when it comes to saving money and preserving the environment. Depending on the size or models, both can be light in weight, so both can be easy to manage and ship.

    Both variations actually have their own upsides and downsides. In the end, the choice is all yours. Know your personal needs well to make a better purchasing decision. If you have all the cash, it will also cost you less decision power if you just buy both. If not, weigh the pros and cons wisely to enjoy an enjoyable purchase and actual usage.

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  • Parts of Electric Scooter You Must Know – Best Electric Scooter Reviews 2016

    Electric scooters are known to be the same with bicycles in terms of their overall look as well as the internal parts that make them. Learning the parts of an electric scooter is really important as it will help you  do repairs and diagnostics whenever there’s a problem with the scooter.

    Familiarizing these different components of the vehicle is truly important as it can make you knowledgeable about installing these specific parts independently. Here are the following parts of the electric scooter:


    The frame is the actual figure of the scooter as it shapes the appearance of the device. It’s a type of material made up from steel that is thinned in order to provide the right weight and is warped further to make it look better and suitable for everyday use. It’s also known that those that are made up of thicker steep are more durable but can still be heavy for some.


    Since electric scooters don’t rely on gas, batteries are being used in order to provide the reason why it’s called electric scooter. These batteries are already obvious in terms of their functionality and simply work like the regular batteries that we use for other devices. In order to give it a “full tank”, all you need to do is to charge it up by plugging it to an outlet. Always consider recharging it every after each ride along the road. Lastly, it’s important to know that just like most batteries, these can wear out and drain if not used every now and then.


    The brakes are an essential part of the scooter just like most vehicles in order to slow the vehicle down when needed. This is meant to be made in order to provide a safe stop for the driver as they use the vehicle, even under fast speeds. It’s vital to know that the electric scooter is heavy already, coupled with the weight of the driver and the battery since it also is somewhat heavy. Electric scooter brakes come with front and rear parts for better performance.


    Forks provide the capability of holding the tyres and the bearings. It’s always included with the scooter’s frame and is made out of thin or thick steel material that’s warped to shape like so.

    Belt and Chain

    The chains and/or belts are the usual components that made the scooter possible to move around the road. Remember that scooters use this in order to boost the actual performance, and it moves around as you operate the vehicle. Chains are usually considered more useful than belts due to the durability that it has as compared to belts but are noisier to operate than the latter. However, belts are mostly replaceable over time as compared to chains which can last for many years as long as you maintain it by placing oil for a smoother performance.


    Lastly, the tyres are also an essential part of the scooter because the vehicle will never run if this is missing. Obviously, these must be installed all the time, and at the same time maintained in order to activate a smooth flow when riding along the road. It’s also a basic thing to know that higher quality tyres are ideal as compared to cheaper ones that might require you to replace it in just a short amount of time (usually less than a year).

    Always note these very important parts that make up the electric scooter so then you will know how the actual vehicle functions. Knowing these will also help you identify the various issues regarding the vehicle if something wrong happens it as you ride around. So, before you decide to install the side mirrors and lights, always remember that these parts are extremely vital for the sake of making your scooter very functional as you hit the road.

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  • Time to Go Out and Play! – Best Electric Scooter Reviews 2016

    In this digital age, people are beginning to be more and more inactive and choose to stay in their homes. Whether they just want to watch a movie, or surf the internet, it is slowly becoming a problem. The worst part is that the first ones that will be affected by this situation are the people who will be responsible of the fate of the world: our children. Nowadays, schools are adapting to modern technology by providing students with tablets that will help them learn and understand the lessons more easily. But this has also affected them in a negative manner: children are now more addicted to their gadgets. We must make the kids play outside again. This may be the only chance of saving our children. But what exactly are the benefits of outdoor games?

    Promotes Socialization

    One of the many benefits of playing outside is that children tend to be more sociable and approachable in the long run. Kids love to play in groups when outside, so this makes them interact with other children;. It also promotes teamwork as they cooperate with each other. Whether they are chasing around in the park or sharing their food with one another, outdoor play will make these kids communicate, and in return, it will have a huge impact on their social development. Not only that but it also plays a vital role in increasing their confidence, which can make them good leaders in the future. So kids won’t be only having fun, they will also be honing their behavioral skills and how they act around strangers.

    Enhances Brain Development

    Outdoor games can further enhance a child’s cognitive development. Studies have shown that children who often play outside have higher attention spans; this becomes a huge asset in the long run as the kid becomes more focused on all of his tasks. Other than that, children who play outside a lot tend to be more observant of their environment and have better assessment skills. Not only does the child get to have fun, but he also gets more intelligent!

    Reduces Anxiety and Depression

    Nowadays, whether we like it or not, children tend to get stressed out from all the school work that they’re doing; who wouldn’t be stressed out after more than 12 hours’ worth of studying? This is why it is encouraged for kids to play with their peers. Recent studies have shown that children who are given time to play outside with their friends are unlikely to be easily stressed out; there are other sources also say this can lessen their chances from being victims of depression and anxiety. Who knew that playing outside can have a strong impact on one’s mental being?

    Burn Off the Extra Energy

    A lot of parents have problems with their kids having high energies; it becomes a problem when the kid starts to become a little more hyper than usual, especially during bedtime. By letting them play outside with their friends for at least an hour a day, not only will these kids be jollier, but it will also prevent them from being overweight and obese. Whether we like it or not, child obesity is a serious issue that we should not ignore. According to a study, there are 12.7 million children, from ages 2-19, who are obese and overweight. We must remember that outdoor games are not only a fun activity, but it is also a form exercise that keeps these children physically healthy. Besides, wouldn’t any parent want less trouble in making their kids go to bed?

    Helps in Developing their Focus

    One of the many struggles that the digital age has caused is that most humans now have the attention span of a goldfish; we, especially children, cannot stay focused for long periods of time. Most kids these days are now glued to their tablets and cell phones that they barely have time to play with their toys. Studies have shown that this can be avoided if we let kids play outdoor games. Since most kids play only one game when they are with their friends, this will keep them focused on the activity and on themselves. Some experts have also linked the effect of playing outside to reduce the chances of kids gaining symptoms of ADHD.

    We have a long way to go for our children to get back and explore the wonders of the outside world; slowly but surely, outdoor games will reunite them with Mother Nature, their friends, and themselves. Let’s all encourage our kids to play out some more!

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  • Riding Electric Scooters in the Rain – Best Electric Scooter Reviews 2016

    Have you ever wanted to do your part for the environment? Do you need a more affordable and practical means of traveling? An electric scooter is the perfect solution for you. Many environmentalists would agree that electric scooters are one of the greatest eco-friendly inventions of all time. They have given people the opportunity to actively choose to be more environmentally conscious and financially practical.

    Advantages of Electric Scooters

    There is no doubt that electric scooters are pretty fun to use, especially when you love speed and bikes. They are faster and way more affordable than electric cars. This also means that they have lower maintenance costs, which are a big advantage in the long run. Most of all, electric scooters are very environment-friendly, as they have no emissions at all. Although they need to be charged every time you use them, they are still very convenient to use. Nowadays, more public parking spaces have charging stations for electric scooters. Another great thing about electric scooters is that they are very safe to use. These are just some of the numerous advantages of getting an electric scooter.

    Riding Them in the Rain

    Although using electric scooters has many benefits, a major safety concern for people is the fact that electric scooters are powered by batteries which run on electricity. Since riding on them requires close contact between the rider and the vehicle, many are worried of getting electrocuted, especially during bad weather conditions. It is safe to say that the chances of that happening are very low. However, there are other things to worry about when riding an electric scooter under the rain.

    Riding under the rain is not prohibited, although it is discouraged in some cases due to several reasons. For example, if it is only drizzling, you can just wear a raincoat and ride safely. However, if it is raining heavily, you must take note of a few things such as your visibility of the road. If temperatures are freezing, you must also take caution because it lessens the friction between the tires of your scooter and the road. Another risk includes riding through a flood. You should never ride through a flood, especially when you do not know how deep it is. This risks submerging the electrical system of your scooter, potentially electrocuting/injuring yourself, and damaging your scooter.

    Some Helpful Tips

    To help you avoid risking your safety and your scooter’s condition, we have provided a few tips to take note of when riding your electric scooter.

    Best Weather Conditions

    The best time to ride is during the dry and above-freezing temperature seasons. Otherwise, your scooter’s internal electrical system and batteries can be damaged without your knowledge, making it dangerous for you to use again. Make sure to have your scooter checked regularly to prevent such cases.

    Avoid Moisture

    Moisture can cause heavy damage to both your scooter’s internal and external parts. Moisture in the battery and internal system could cause electrical damage and rusting which could affect the safety components of the scooter such as the brakes.

    Moisture can also damage your scooter’s shell, especially when it is made with poor quality chrome plating and other metals that are easily corroded. Even a small exposure to moisture could start the process. The best way to avoid this is to purchase an electric scooter from a trusted seller or brand. Make sure not to skimp on your scooter’s quality for safety.

    Use Covers

    When your scooter is not in use, it is best to use a waterproof cover to protect it from environmental damage caused by moisture in the atmosphere or weather conditions. Make sure that your covers are made from good quality material such as lightweight polyester. Good covers have the ability to speed up the evaporation of moisture present on the vehicle to avoid damage.

    Covers are very handy and can be used anywhere. If you are going somewhere and parking in a public place, you can use the cover to protect your scooter from sudden rainfall, the sun’s heat, exposure to other chemicals, or even scratches. You can also use it when your scooter is parked in your garage.

    Install a Canopy

    You can also install a canopy over your electric scooter to cover you and your scooter from the rain! This is a unique and creative solution to riding in the rain, but you must still take caution at all times.

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