Category: Uncategorized

  • eScooter in 2020 Archives – Electric Scooter

    News August 25, 2020September 5, 2020 hilbert 0 Comments

    If you urge to go somewhere fast, an e-scooter would not seem like the best practical choice, but you would be astonished at what you could do with two small wheels and a battery. The top e-scooters are convenient and transform into an easy-folding package. As a ‘last-mile solution’, there is nothing better than this […]

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  • electric scooter Archives – Electric Scooter

    News July 20, 2020July 18, 2020 hilbert 0 Comments

    The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a novel infectious viral disease that can be transmitted by way of droplets and close contact with infected patients.  The viral disease is primarily caused by SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2), and has been declared a pandemic last March 2020. Mass transit is strictly in effect […]

    riide-second-generation-bike-230x154-4136497 News July 15, 2020July 18, 2020 hilbert 0 Comments

    Riide has a Kickstarter electric bicycle success stories, getting their start on the platform in 2015 in order to start a sustainable e-bike business that has lasted the test of time in a competitive market. The Company presents a lighter method to own a Riide second generation bike that is easy on the pocket: The […]

    News May 8, 2020May 18, 2020 hilbert 0 Comments

    The world today is currently governed by strict sanitary protocols, social distancing, and checkpoints. While many areas of affected countries remain under lockdown as people race through time in an attempt to mitigate and contain the spread of COVID-19. Majority of public transit systems are greatly affected by this change. Non-essential trips and assemblage are […]

    electric-micro-mobility-scooters-solution-to-the-traffic-problem1-230x154-9637444 Tips and Tricks September 5, 2019October 19, 2019 hilbert 0 Comments

    The necessity for the last mile transport was with us ever since mass transport was implemented in urban cities across the globe. The issue of the last mile commute for passengers living away from the last stop of trains and buses is a concern that brought up the use of electric micro mobility vehicles. The […]

    Tips and Tricks June 28, 2019August 27, 2019 hilbert 0 Comments

    The Ride sharing business is about 10 years in existence and sprouted to be more or less about $61.3 billion and has a trajectory for growth up to $25 billion by 2025. This report by the B2B Firm Marketsandmarkets include cars and cabs ride sharing like Lyft, cab calls (Uber 2009), and micro mobility alternatives […]

    News, Tips and Tricks June 15, 2019August 27, 2019 hilbert 0 Comments

    Imagine waking up in a city where electric kick scooters outnumber the volume of cars traversing the roads. The urban city needs this mode of transportation to help the vicinity rid of traffic congestion, parking woes, and a healthier air to breath for the population. Electric Kick Scooters will solve a Major Part of Traffic […]

    News April 2, 2019June 2, 2019 hilbert 0 Comments

    Governments around the world want to cut down on carbon dioxide emission and see the electric scooters as a part of the solution for a greener future. Some agencies allotted initial budget for the endeavor while private companies raised their part to contribute to further the goals and push the e-scooters to travel the streets […]

    News, Trending January 10, 2019May 26, 2019 hilbert 0 Comments

    Commuters continuously complain about bad traffic and congestion on the road. Traffic congestion sets in when the use of cars increases causing roads to be overcrowded by vehicles on long queues for passage. Traffic congestion does not only affect commuting, it is also bad for the environment and our health when carbon dioxide spews from […]

    News February 17, 2017February 17, 2017 hilbert 0 Comments

    Tired of checking all pricey foldable electric scooters? Well, this article is for you then. Good news to those who are looking for an affordable option for the foldable electric scooter! No need to burn a hole in your pocket if you are excited to find your first electric scooter. The Pasadena-based electric scooter maker, […]

    News, Reviews December 21, 2016December 21, 2016 hilbert 0 Comments

    If weight, portability, and all-around convenience are your main criteria for  selecting your first modular electric scooter, then Zero E-scooter could be the choice you have been searching for.  With the plethora of the electric vehicles – from scooters, cars, to hoverboard, it is  no longer surprising that the competition for the lightest and simplest […]

    A gigantic success in one small package – this is how the Airwheel S8  was hailed as today’s best mini electric scooter. As the cliché goes – the best things indeed come in small packages. In this era where makers of electric scooters are focused on providing superb performance, Airwheel took the opposite road and […]

    New, News, Reviews September 21, 2016September 21, 2016 hilbert 0 Comments

    You will probably be looking for a fast electric scooter if your goal is to lead a quickest way to any of your destinations. Aside from cheerfulness, it is designed to give you freedom in exploration in the most practical and economical way. For an instance, it doesn’t require a license to operate but make […]

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  • Most Affordable Electric Bicycle? Stark Drive Got You Covered – Electric Scooter

    Have you been dreaming of owning an electric bicycle, but cannot seem to afford one? Well, you need not worry now as Stark Drive is now turning that dream into reality. Let’s face it —  these electric scooters and bike typically cost an arm and a leg. To change that, the said firm is releasing a game changer without blowing a hole in your pocket.

    While conventional bikes are still around and highly functional, we cannot discount the fact that the needs of the commuters are changing over the year. Therefore, preference to smaller, lighter, and inexpensive mode of transport become apparent. Changes have become apparent over the last few years and these have affected the choice of transport of many people – including the need for an electricity-powered vehicle.

    For instance, more and more people tend to live in a compact area due to the skyrocketing cost of living. Many also opt to live close to their workplace is save on commute time and expenses. Changes in urban designs have also called for changes in commuting and transport behavior. With the current shift in these living and transport needs,  it is imperative for companies to offer options that would perfectly suit the needs of the commuters. So, the question now is – are you ready to grab one of those cheap saddles?

    How Cheap is the Stark Drive Electric Bicycle?

    Less than $400 per unit – yes, $399 to be exact. This is how affordable the e-bike is. This new entry promises to provide bikers and daily commuters the same experience as they would on full-sized electric bikes. There are high-end bikes today that cost as much as a second-hand car. You can encounter some e-bikes that are way too bulky.  For the price of $399, this bike really is the cheapest one available on the market today.

    No need to splurge on extremely expensive electric self-balancing scooters or even on a car. This highly affordable electric bicycle can take you from point A to point B without any problem or the extra expenses on gasoline or parking fees. Note that the retail price of the bike cost around $1000 – still not as expensive as those that bear high-end brands. But why spend a thousand when you bring home at 60% off?  These days, being practical is the key.

    Why Should You Get One?

    As you grow older, riding a bike tends to become more like a job than a leisure activity. You get all sweaty in pedaling, you find it more difficult to park it in a safe area, and you need somewhat a big space to store it in. These have just been proven wrong by the people behind the Stark Drive Electric Bicycles.

    There are just a plethora of reasons as to why you should own an e-bike.  For one, this particular battery-powered bicycle is foldable. You can fit it in the truck of the car, carry it in public transits, store in a small space at home – the compact size and the lightweight make it one of the most portable vehicles today.  Although this bike has just been recently launched via Indigogo campaign, the slots are getting filled out at a rapid rate.

    The number of people and backers of this particular product have made it too easy to reach the goal. In fact, the amount has reached four times the target or goal. If you haven’t signed up yet, you need to do it immediately as slots as running out. So, what exactly does this affordable electric bike look like? Read on and discover.

    Features of the Stark Drive E-Bikes

    The frame is made from Aluminum Alloy 6061 that come in either matte black or white.  It is also possible to upgrade the frame and include a rear cargo rack and a limited edition system for security ad locking. You cannot go wrong with the hardware as well. Firstly, it has a quick release saddle and folding paddles. For safety, the bikes come with LED Headlights. You can use it in chauffeur mode when if you want to be on the go while the e-bike is folded. It also comes with an integrated foot stand, integrated USB,  and can accommodate a total weight of 150 kg of a load. You may also get the unit with rear suspension as one of the upgrade options.

    All Stark Drive electric bicycles are weatherproof and come with LED PAS of 3 different Assist levels.  There is also a backlit display and you are free to modify the maximum speed depending on your personal preference. Buyers of the bike are also provided with upgrade options including the installation of integrated throttle and the inclusion of a speed or odometer.

    The types of wheels used in electricity-powered vehicles are also paramount to boosting the riding experience of an individual. This foldable electric bike comes with a 26” Front and Rear pneumatic Tires in anthracite black color. These wheels are designed to give the best traction grip making this unit ideal for use both on the road and off the road. The safety features of this bike can also be seen on the carbon disc brakes located on the front and the rear.

    This particular e-bike is equipped with geared hub motor of 36V 250W. The design of the motor as been patented by the manufacturer. To those who are willing to spend some extra cash,  they may opt to have the Throttle option or the 36V 250W motor option. That’s one of the great things about these electric bicycles – you actually have the flexibility to upgrade certain components to suit your needs. Yes, the final outcome depends on how much you are willing to spend on your ride. If you only got a few hundred to spare, that is not a problem at all. This electric bicycle certainly fits the bill.

    Battery System

    In all electric bicycles, the battery system is often referred to as main ‘soul’ of the model. This particular e-bike can be bought with two different battery options One with Standard Battery 9Ah 36V or the upgraded one with 13Ah 36V. The batteries are certified safe and regulation compliant. They are developed and produced by Panasonic. Another interesting feature of the battery is the hidden charging port, the key port, and the lock system that comes with a key.

    Charging period and the maximum drive range depends on the capacity of the chosen battery plus the type of motor used. This e-bikes can be used to a maximum speed of 20 mph without having to manually pedal it. As per the tests were done in this model, bikers can travel up to a maximum of 65 miles (100km) on a single full charge. When the upgraded battery system is chosen, the electric bicycle can cover a maximum 20-km drive range.

    The battery is completely detachable and you can purchase an extra if you intend to go on a long leisurely ride with a friend. Just be mindful on how you take care of your batteries. Electric vehicle batteries, as a whole, tend to deteriorate when exposed to extreme weather conditions and over a period of time.

    Having to drive an electric vehicle does not only provide long-term saving but also helps in drastically lowering the CO2 emission on the road. This is one of the most important reasons as to the electric vehicle industry continues to grow at such a rapid rate.  People are becoming more keen on selecting economical and eco-efficient means to move around.
    So, are you now excited to get your hands in one of these electric bicycles? Become one of the owners by signing up today. Note also that the price indicated on their website does not include the shipping fee, so you may need to set aside a couple of hundred bucks. Lastly, enjoy riding your electric bicycle soon.

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  • Latest Electric Scooters in the Market | Electric Kick Scooters

    The deployment of electric scooters in urban cities began in 2017 at Santa Monica, California. In just several days, the volume of these vehicles significantly grew followed by other e-scooter companies who want to emulate the pioneer of the shared electric scooter rides system. In the following years, a number of riders using the shared e-scooters began purchasing their personal e-rides and explored on the latest electric scooters in the market.

    Private Ownership of Electric Scooters

    Getting tired of electric scooter ride sharing? You can purchase your own among the latest models of 2019.

    The Glion Dolly

    Portability of an electric scooter is a feature that riders want with their equipment. The users want to carry it wherever they may go. An equipment that can be folded up and taken in your car, buses, or on trains are practical for the e-riders. Unfortunately, e-scooter  manufacturers have kick scooters that are burdensome when folded up, weighing heavily on the rider. A portable machine should be lightweight for users to easily bring along on long trips aboard mass transit or other vehicles.

    If you want a portable electric kick scooter, Gion Dolly is the right one for your needs. This model weighs only 26 pounds when folded and carried on the go. The Dolly Model is one that has a design like a trolley when folded; there is no need to carry this unit, just pull the handle extension from the frame and you can roll the folded scooter along. 

    The Glion Dolly comes with a 250W motor, not much power but its light aluminum frame is sturdy enough to give you a 15 mile travel distance in a single charge of 3.5 hours. The maximum rider capacity of the Glion Dolly is 250 pounds and price tag starts at $599.

    The Scrooser

    The Scrooser electric scooter is not a cheap ride. This model is manufactured in Germany and has the slick design of class and elegance that delivers a smooth ride. This model has speed settings from 3.7 mph, 12,4 mph, or 15.5 mph and could deliver a travel distance of 34 miles at a 2.5 to 4 hours on a single charge. A two-hour charge can fill up to 80% strength on the batteries. The Scrooser carries a 500W motor situated at the drive train.

    The Scrooser is top heavy at 123 pounds excluding the battery. The unit has a load capacity of 330 pounds. The Scrooser’s price tag starts at $4,999.

    Works Electric BR2

    There are riders who want the best money can buy. Introducing the Works Electric BR2. Brad Baker, the creator of this bad ass electric scooter isn’t called the best maker of these electric equipment for nothing in Portland, Oregon. The motor of this beast is 4000W ZM2 Brushless Drive System, has a top speed of 35 mph with an acceleration rate of 4.1 seconds from 0 to 30 mph.delivering a travel range of 30 miles on a single charge.

    Baker claims that his work of art has a design consisting of the best components, the best performance delivered with the best batteries. The equipment will provide riders the unique product that normally cannot be bought. Baker’s Works Electric BR2 just created a serious ride for hardline scooter revelers with this serious electric machine. 

    The Works BR2 electric scooter weighs an average of 95 pounds. It has a battery pack similar to the Tesla S electric car with a powerful motor and heavy acceleration

    performance. A segway has no match for the BR2 Rover’s speed. Even the fastest Razor electric scooter can only go as fast as half the speed of BR2. The Rover has a charging time of 4 hours with only 18 cents cost of electricity. Price tag of the Electric BR2 Rover starts at $5.950. Probably the most expensive kick scooter in the market.

    Raptor CZ

    The latest electric kick scooter with a superfast top speed of 80 kph. Its battery is 60V/35Ah with 11 inches vacuum tires. Its battery charging time is from 14 to 17 hours that will deliver a travel distance of 120 to 150 km, depending on its load and the terrain it negotiates. 

    A note to owners of this latest electric scooter in the market: please allow the battery to cool down after a round of high speed scooting. Once the batteries cools off, you may start charging the power packs for its protection. 

    The Raptor CZ can manage steep angles up to 45 degree inclines and has a net weight of 35 kg. It has front and rear disc brakes with shock absorbers on both front and rear suspensions.  

    Gotrax GXL Electric Scooter

    This Gotrax e-scooter is ideal for men with its modern design and structure. The item is foldable and has a lightweight of only 31 pounds but can carry a weight of up to 220 pounds. The Gotrax is a sturdy e-vehicle that can handle bumps and rough terrain mounted on 8.5-inch pneumatic tires that compensates its suspension issue. The uphill power can negotiate inclines of up to 12 degrees on a motor power of 250W situated at the front hub of the equipment, giving it a little kick will help start it up. 

    The Gotrax Glider has a top speed of 15.5 mph powered by a 36V / 187 Wh battery that could bring you to a travel distance of 12.5 miles at a charging time of 4 hours. The brakes are mechanical on the rear end while the regenerative brakes are on the front end. Both brakes are effective under a torture test in rain and not so welcoming conditions. The Gotrax GXL has LED headlights, speedometer and battery meter display, dual speeds, and a cruise control feature.

    The tough Gotrax GXL is one of the best and latest selling electric scooters in the market. The sturdiness was battle tested in the  harsh two degree centigrade winter streets of Chicago and it prevailed under the potholes littering the streets of the “Windy state”. The speed started off at 16 mph, but as soon as the battery meter registered at one bar, its speed dropped to 12 to 13 mph as expected from electric powered scooters. 
    The Gotrax GXL is a fun and tough machine going under abuse on the streets of Chicago and its not bad at $299.

    Visit our site at for an update.

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  • Vectrix VX 1: A Micro Mobility Solution Designed for Urban Dwellers

    Clean and green, with scooter-style hand-operated brakes, stylish looks, and spacious under-seat storage, the Vectrix VX 1 certainly looks the part. Technically a scooter, rather than a motorcycle, it is designed for city residents looking for an alternative transport solution to a regular car without requiring you to be a motorcyclist to ride it.  

    What makes Vectrix Stand Out From Other Electric Scooters? 

    At the core of Vectrix scooters are innovative technologies: multi-functional throttle, powerful in-wheel drivetrain, and advanced battery management system.

    First impression? The Vectrix VX-1 looks like a large, gasoline-powered maxi-scooter from a distance. With its large, plush seat offering room for rider and passengers with its comfortable handlebars, it can be mistaken for so many gasoline-powered maxi scooters on the market today. 

    Let us get closer and know that there’s no mistaking this is an electric motorcycle. Initially, no tailpipe, but instead of a chain or shaft-driven arrangement driving the rear wheel, there is a hub-mounted 21-kilowatt-peak DC electric motor poking out from underneath the VX1’s sturdy frame. 

    The Vectrix Multi-functional Throttle. Every VECTRIX comes standard with our revolutionary patented Multi-functional Regenerative Throttle, which regulates the vehicle down by reversing the polarity of the motor to recharge the batteries on the fly. Thus provides a slow-speed reverse gear and enables ease-of-movement in parking and tight spaces.

    Vectrix VX 1: Battery Requirement

    Battery means Safety. What makes it classy of its own is that the VX-1 has the VECTRIX Lithium-Ion Battery System. Customers can prefer the battery size to match the requirements from the most affordable 5.5kWh battery (up to 100km of range). Its famous mid-range 8kWh battery (up to 150km range), 13kWh battery (up to 230km of scale), or the top of the line 16kWh pack (up to 280km range). While the Battery Management System monitors each cell’s independent voltage and temperature, it does provide a precise range estimation with complete battery protection during riding and charging.

    With the system that is only known to be in the world; its functionality is to provide all contained in one grip. The scooter will accelerate, turn it up, and the scooter will slow down to a full stop. The same movement activates the reverse gear when the bike is stationary.

    Available with four battery options: 5.5kW, 8kW, 13kW, and 16kW for a range of up to 280 km. The Vectrix VX-1 can offer a three-year Unlimited Mileage Warranty on the battery. However, third-party battery cycling tests show that the expected battery life of 10 years (capacity above 80% of nominal).

    Ride Comfort

    Compared to other small electric motorcycles and scooters, the VX-1 feels like a large motorcycle on the road. The commanding space from other road users gives you that smooth and stable ride. With the part of Starting and Stopping, the Vectrix VX-1’s regenerative braking aided you to prepare for corners without using any friction brakes.

    Also, while its low center of gravity meant leaning into a corner was unusually comfortable. The laid-back riding style further said the steering felt particularly light, making the process of leaning the scooter into a corner as effortless as possible.

    Tailored with the unrestricted summer screen, VX-1 gave some protection from the fall weather too. In a test done, speeds above 35 mph found that helmet severely buffeted by the wind moving up and over the summer screen. Additionally, rough sections of road were dealt with efficiently, with the Vectrix VX-1 handling most bumps and cracks without any fuss.

    Vectrix In-Wheel Drivetrain

     Each VECTRIX VX-1 comes equipped with a unique drivetrain while providing a powerful motor in a compact housing. It’s combined with a robust planetary gearbox placed in the rear wheel, zero maintenance, extreme durability, and low noise; this 11kW rated drivetrain can deliver 35kW of peak power seamlessly. With a flagship model, accelerate to 100km/h in less than 6 seconds.

    For the Instrumentation. There are three displays on a clean console that provides a complete view of the scooter systems. It is the central display that shows a Classic Speedometer with kph and mph scales. The LED tail-lights, its turn signals, low/high beam, reverse gear, side stand, battery voltage warning, a high-temperature warning plus service wrench. A Digital Odometer shows mileage (km or miles) and service codes display, and the right side display has an LCD Battery Charge Gauge which shows the battery state of charge in graphic form.

    The left side display also gives a System Display that has a clock, the motor status (Ready/Go), two-day trip meters, and an estimated range calculated precisely based on your riding style, speed, and battery state.

    For Slow Moving Traffic

    The Vectrix tricks can also cover everything from freeway riding to country lanes. This will give you the chance to test the VX-1 in a variety of situations putting the Vectrix VX-1 through its paces. While the Vectrix VX-1 managed impeccably on fast-moving freeways and that its essential skills lay in slower-moving traffic.

    Recharging Victrix Batteries

    Recharging made so easy. Unlock the rear seat and pull out the 3m/10ft braided cord, close the seat and plug into a standard 230V/110V socket. That’s it! Just plug and recharge. With all VX-1 scooters, it is competent to operate at either 110-volts or 240 volts. The standard onboard 3.3kW charger will give you 1km per minute of charging, and the optional onboard 6.6kW charger can double that providing a range of 120km in just 1 hour. With its maximum power on standard home/office socket is 3.3kW @ 240VAC and 1.7kW @ 110VAC, 6.6kW charger gives full power on either single-phase 240VAC 32A or three-phase 400VAC 16A source. The onboard charger makes recharging the VX-1 easy and can be filled from empty in between 3 and 7 hours, depending on the battery pack installed. 

    The Verdict on Vectrix

    Vectrix is hardly cheap. Nevertheless, if you’re a car driver rather than a motorcyclist and want an alternative vehicle to get to and from work, the Vectrix VX-1 can surely offer an all-electric solution at much less than an electric car. The only electric motorcycle considered in the market today, Vectrix VX-1, does offer two seats, making it the perfect choice for a couple who like to go out riding together. 

    Regenerative braking, especially on long downhill stretches, and its big-bike feel the VX-1 is the excellent commuter scooter or errand-running electric motorcycle—unquestionably out-accelerating most cars and giving the rider a safe and mainly comfortable ride.

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  • Scooter Hacks Archives – Electric Scooter


    There are major problems when living in urban areas due to the high population density cramped into a small area. Some of these woes include overcrowding, urban dwelling is too expensive, crime, poor infrastructure, flooding, traffic jams, pollution, parking spaces, slums, and poverty is prevalent. The problem in these communities stem from the heavy influx […]

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  • The Worth of an Electric Scooter – Best Electric Scooter Reviews 2016

    Nowadays, electric scooters are very important and are considered as in-demand products in the market of vehicles. This mode of transportation has helped a lot of drivers along the road as it provides no noise when traveling, and at the same time offers a smooth advantage for both adults and kids who want to try this out. These types of scooters are starting to grow larger in numbers today due to the many people who are interested in using the product. It’s also very advantageous due to the fact that it can help you save money more than what gas-type vehicles can provide.

    Functionality and Setup

    The functionality of an electric scooter works with the help of its engine and batteries as they function together once operated. This provides easier means of travelling, and at the same time guarantees you a good trip as you ride with it. It’s capable of reaching speeds up to 30 mph and can travel up to 25 miles with a fully working battery that has never been discharged.

    The functionality of this type of scooter is possible with the help of its overall setup. First, the battery is placed beneath the lower part of the vehicle in order to provide better means of travelling and is placed just above the seat in order to avoid heating as the rider sits down. The brakes are then installed on its handlebars where the gas is installed to provide easier means of stopping the vehicle when needed.

    These electric scooters are also installed with a circuitry that’s protected well in order for it to move and gain speed that goes well with the rider’s reflexes. This then provides a better way for the rider to operate it properly just like the classic motorcycles that we also commonly see. The overall mechanism of the vehicle is capable of smooth rides, along with an easier way to climb uphill.

     Benefits of Operating One

    There are some advantages that a rider can actually get when using this type of scooter that some vehicles don’t have. These pros of the electric scooter are the actual reasons why a lot of people happen to love using the vehicle nowadays. Here are the following benefits of operating and owning an electric scooter:

    • A Smooth Ride – It has been mentioned many times that an electric scooter is perfect for smooth rides along the road. Whether you go to a type of road that might be too rough, or if you’re on a smooth highway, rest assured that the help of an electric scooter is perfect as it can travel smoothly around any terrain.
    • Good For Short Travels – Instead of using a car or a motorbike in order to travel on short distances, use an electric scooter instead. Since it can travel up to 25 – 30 miles, rest assured that you will have no worries travelling towards your destination, especially if you have a short errand to do or if going to a nearby friend’s house.
    • Great Money Saver – We also mentioned that it’s capable of saving money more than all other vehicle types. It’s simply because of the fact that you don’t need to purchase gasoline in order to operate it. All you have to do is to charge it, and it will just go to your electric bill, plus it’s not much of an increase to your bill as well.
    • EcoFriendly – Surely you know well that this doesn’t emit smoke anymore and, therefore, is perfect for the environment. Nowadays, this pollution-filled world is just in need of products like these, and purchasing one can help you lessen the smog that’s spreading around the cities today.

    As you can see, the electric scooter is truly one of the revolutionary discoveries nowadays as it provides a lot of benefits that you will definitely enjoy. It’s truly a marvel to know how worthy this type of vehicle is, and as seen from the benefits, you will really see that it’s very convenient for heaps of people around the world.

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  • History of Electric Scooters – Best Electric Scooter Reviews 2016

    Electric scooters in today’s world are now being recognized as a convenient and a practical vehicle. It offers a lot of advantages as compared to the conventional ones when it comes to performance and fuel expenses. It is getting popularity now for some reasons (environment problems and fuel issues), but it’s actually not already a fresh concept. As evidence, records of its origin date from way back a century.

    How it started

    It was said to have started in the year of 1985 when ideas about creating vehicles that are electrically powered have been formed. This was when Bolton Jr. applied a patent application for an electric vehicle on September 19 that year. At that same year on 08 of November, Libby  had filed another patent application for an electrically powered vehicle.

    In 1987, Humber presented a display of an electric tandem vehicle at the Stanley cycle show in London, Europe.

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    The source of its power are the four accumulators and an electric motor which is laid at the front wheel on the rear part. The vehicle, with a three- speed controller, is designed principally for racing purposes. It was said to have a range of about seventy-five up to a hundred miles.

    In 1919, Ransomes, Sims and Jeffries created an electric vehicle where the batteries are placed below the seat of its sidecar. It wasn’t permitted though in its trial test even if it has been recorded for commute-road purposes.

    In the year of 1936, a company of an electric motorcycle in Brussels, Belgium which is called Socovel was established by the Limellete brothers. It happened during the German stay but was granted permission, so they were able to continue their production. Since that time, they were facing fuel problems seeing that the World War II was going on at that time, so their release of electric vehicles can be considered to be at success. When the World War II was over, they stopped producing electric motorcycles and turned to creating the conventional ones. Overall, they have produced about 400 electric vehicles.

    At that same period, an inventor in the United States of America named Earle Williams have found a way to turn the conventional or fuel powered vehicle into an electric powered vehicle. These lead to the creation of ParCar whose popularity was growing at that time (World War II) where limited supply of fuel was a problem.

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    The marketer company was then formed who has supported the manufacture of the ParCar model. Due to its popularity, the European company of Limellete brothers Socovel is said to be influenced by William’s model and thus their production of their own version of electric vehicles started.

    In the year of early 1970, the Corbin electric, a legal electric vehicle that is meant for road purposes was created by Mike Corbin. It was followed by another electric vehicle designed for road use that is powered by a battery and is known as the City bike.

    The Firsts

    Let us find out the first happenings in the history of electric scooters.

    The 1st mass production of electric scooter called Peugeot Scoot’ Elec was in the year 1996. The electric scooter is powered by a nickel cadmium battery with a range of about 25 mi.

    A lot of progress was made in the year of 1960 to 1970 when it comes to electric scooters. In this period, a battery company called the Union carbide produced alkali fuel that is intended to be used in an electric motor. The production of legal electric machines was also made in this period. This was the first time that a lot of electric-related machines are being seen on the roads.

    The very 1st Mt. Washington Annual Alternative Vehicle Regatta was in the year of June 1975 which was founded by an environmentalist Charles MacArthur, together with Mike Corbin. The event was situated at Mt. Washington, New Hampshire. The event was created for the purpose of concluding the possibility of electrically powered vehicles as an alternative transportation.

    The 1st electric off-road race happened on April 2009 from 04 until 05. The event was called 24 hours of electricross that is promoted by Zero motorcycles.

    The 1st highly commercialized electric scooter was released in 2006 by Vectrix which is called the Vx-1.

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  • Top Outdoor Activities for Kids – Best Electric Scooter Reviews 2016

    Nowadays, most kids spend their time in front of a computer playing their favorite video games. This isn’t healthy for them that’s why it’s important to encourage them to engage in physical activities. There are many outdoor activities that kids will surely love and make them physically active and fit. To motivate your children to engage in outdoor games, parents should join or lead them on how to execute their chosen outdoor activity.

    1. Kickball

    This is one of the old-time games perfect for kids. It’s very easy to play kickball since it’s similar to baseball. But, the player will kick the ball instead of hitting it.

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    2. Wiffle ball

    This is also similar to baseball as it uses a ball and bat. However, the ball and bat are soft and made of lightweight materials making it safe and easy to use by little ones.

    3. Freeze tag

    Another very common outdoor activity played by kids in the neighborhood. This game requires a lot of energy as it involves running and chasing. In playing this game, one person is designated as “it” and will be the one to chase other players. Once a player is tag by the “it”, the player must freeze and remain still until another player unfreezes him.

    4. Dodge ball

    In playing dodge ball, make sure to use soft balls. It is played between two teams thus the players should group themselves into two teams. The mechanics of the game is to throw the ball at each player. The player that is hit by the ball will be out of the game. Likewise, the thrower will be out if another player catches the offending ball. All the members of the team should be eliminated to end the game.

    5. Street hockey

    This is a perfect game for kids who enjoy competition. The mechanics is similar to regular hockey, but it is played on pavement instead on ice. The player should wear sneakers or roller blades. Street hockey should be played far from road or traffic to ensure the safety of the children.

    6. Hide and seek

    Playing in the neighborhood hide and seek is fun. But, make sure that the hiding places are safe and the children won’t wander far away.

    7. Red Rover

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    This is played by teams in which the team member lines up to create a chain by holding hands. Each team calls the name of the member from other team while chanting “Red Rover”. The person called will run towards the chain and tries to break into. The consequence of failing to break the chain is that the said player will join the team.

    8. Ultimate Frisbee

    Playing Frisbee will make your kid physically active as it involves throwing and running. But, this should be played in an open area away from traffic and road.

    9. Sardines

    This game is similar to hide and seek, but the process if reversed. The “it” will be the one to hide while the other players will find him.

    10. Four square

    Playing this game requires big area where you can draw a square and bouncy ball. The main goal of Four Square is to be the number “1” player in the box.

    Indeed, engaging in outdoor activities is very beneficial for the children rather than staying at home playing console games or watching TV. There’s nothing wrong making use of technology, but it should be minimized. Experts revealed that children will take advantage many benefits doing outdoor activities. It won’t only make them physically active, but it’ll also boost their mental health.

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  • Difficulty of Riding an Electric Scooter – Best Electric Scooter Reviews 2016

    This might be too different than the title of the article, but truthfully, riding an electric scooter is way easier than riding its gas counterpart. It’s a well-known fact that even kids tend to enjoy riding an electric scooter thanks to its easier controls, as well as the fact that it’s more lightweight than the other types of vehicles. Rest assured that you will actually have an easier time riding this type of scooter once you learn the correct steps in starting one and operating it on the road.

    These steps are the basic methods in operating an electric scooter, and expect that it’s never going to be a hard task for you to do. Here are the following methods in riding an electric scooter:

    Charge the Scooter First

    It’s always important to remember to charge your electric scooter every after use in order to avoid discharging. If you weren’t able to charge it, be sure to at least charge it before your ride schedule. The ports of the vehicle are located on the handle bars at the lower part of the vehicle. Be sure to charge it for at least 3 hours.

    Kick the Stand

    The next thing for you to do is to kick the kickstand located on the lower part of the electric scooter. You need to sit down on your scooter first and kick the stand upwards. Never forget this as it can damage your scooter or cause accidents if you leave it down the ground, and do this all the time before you turn on the scooter.

    Operate the Vehicle

    Simply use the keys in order to ready the scooter for your first ride on it. Start holding on the handle bars, but don’t operate it as you need to get ready on your stance before you start riding away.

    Stabilize the Scooter

    Sit on the scooter with one foot on the ground, and the other food stabilizing it. Your other foot that’s on the ground will be used to kick off as you start the vehicle while the other foot must be totally relaxed as you start operating the electric scooter. This provides balance and disables you from falling once the scooter starts to run slow at first. Operate the scooter while doing this.

    Don’t Use the Gas on High Speed

    One of the most common mistakes in operating the scooter and one of the causes of accidents for beginners is turning up the handle bar too much. The scooter will really make you surprised as it will go to a high speed right away. Just slowly turn the handle bar as you start operating it and move your other foot from the ground to the motor to help you balance after kicking.

    Run it for a Bit

    Start using the vehicle by running it along the way for a bit but at slow speeds to make sure that you will feel safe on your first time. Once done, you will be ready for the next step. If the path is straight, you can try speeding up a bit in order for you to get used to the scooter’s setup.

    Steer when Needed

    All you need to do next is to do turns every now and then if needed. If going right or left, just steer the scooter just like how you use an ordinary bike. Consider steering a little when at high speeds in order to avoid accidents, too.

    Make Plans on your Next Ride

    Now that you know how to ride an electric scooter, all you need to do is to plan your trips well along the road. Take note that the average battery life of the vehicle can last for one hour only on most models. Consider this well in order to avoid getting your battery low towards draining it, and time your riding schedule from the point of your destination and going back to your home.

    As you can see, riding an electric scooter is a very basic thing to do and is just like a bike. If you’re having a hard time using a bike, then be sure to practice using one first before you go for this type of scooter in order to avoid further injuries. It’s not a difficult thing to do at all, and once you get the hang of it, rest assured that you will have fun strolling around with your nifty electric scooter!

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