About electric scooters – Electric Scooter Reviews

The basic principle behind an electric scooter is very simple. Instead of a standard gas powered engine the wheels of an electric scooter are driven by an electric motor powered by a rechargeable battery. Just like a standard scooter the user can regulate the speed of the scooter using a hand grip throttle fixed on the handle of the scooter. Some electric scooters require an initial 3 miles per hour manual push before the battery power can be engaged to the motor.

How much speed can an electric scooter achieve

This entirely depends upon the power of the battery and electric motor combined. But most electric scooters can achieve a speed up to 10-15miles per hour if loaded for less than 120 pounds of weight

How frequently does the battery requires charging

It is recommended that the users charge the battery daily. In most cases the battery requires a continuous 8 hours to charge fully and can last for a 40 minutes continuous drive.

Which types of electric scooters are available in the market today

Many models are available today. If you at all need to categorize them then you can do so by number of wheels:

  1. Two wheeler electric scooters: These are popular amongst teenagers because they are swift and really easy to maneuver even in tightest traffic jams
  2. Three wheeler electric scooters: These are best for kids. If your kid wants to learn to ride a scooter then a three wheeler scooter is the best options
  3. Four wheeler electric scooters: If you have anyone in the family who is elderly or handicapped, then a four wheeler scooter is the best option for them. This is because of the obvious reason of greater stability and freedom this vehicle gives them for moving without being dependent on anyone.

How much does an electric scooter weigh

The weight of an electric scooter depends on the particular model. The more the weight the stable is the scooter to ride because of the increased self weight. Normally an electric scooter can have weight between as low as 20 pounds till 70 pounds.

How to repair an electric scooter if it fails

An electric scooter has a very simple electrical system behind it’s functionality. If your scooter fails for some reason, the first thing you can do is take it to a standard repairing garage where normal gas powered scooters are repaired. The reason behind this is that even normal gas powered scooters have electrical systems for various purposes. So most probably they can help you out in your problem.

If they refuse to repair an electric scooter you can contact the company to locate a repair agency in your local area. But it is advisable to find information regarding the repair centers in your local area before you purchase any electric scooter. It it always recommended to go for a model that is well established in the market, to save future headaches.

How much does an electric scooter cost

Well, electric scooter are still new in the market. So you will have to make some initial investment for purchasing it. Depending upon which model you are looking for an electric scooter can cost you in between a range of $100 to $5000. Most people who buy an electric scooter for daily use prefer a price tag of $100 to $250. The kind of features you will get in an electric scooter when you spend that much are good enough for kids and other family members that can truly enjoy an effortless ride.

Which are the best selling electric scooter brands

As per the study done on Amazon.com here are the most popular electric scooter brands with good customer ratings and reviews. Make sure to read your requirements before you make a final decision to buy any model. I have specifically selected these models because many people have already purchased these models and have experienced satisfactory results.

Recommended models of electric scooters

Click here to view a complete catalogue of electric scooter models at Amazon.com

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