Charging Your E-scooter goes Portable – Electric Scooter

There are a number of reasons why a person might choose an electric scooter over a gas-powered one. Electric scooters are cheaper, quieter, and better for the environment. Unlike their  gas-powered counterparts, however, they need to be constantly recharged. Charging your e-scooter’s batteries and keeping it in good condition is your priority because failure to do so can cause you to stall and get stuck in a place that you don’t want to be.

Charging your E-Scooter

For an electric scooter to stay charged you need to have access to a wall outlet to charge the batteries. For homeowners with a garage, this shouldn’t be a problem. Electricity outlets are common in garages, and sometimes even on the outside of a house. However, many people living in apartments in big cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, and New York might not have access to a garage. In big cities like these, where space is limited, it’s difficult enough to find a house or apartment with a reserved parking space. Fortunately, Artisan Scooters has invented a scooter with a portable battery.

Artisan EV1200R

If you are a scooter owner who parks in a parking garage or on the street, this scooter is the best choice for you. The Artisan EV1200R is an electric scooter powered by two portable, lithium batteries. The combined size of both batteries is approximately the size of one automobile battery, meaning they are not too heavy and large to carry.

Charging your scooter is no longer difficult.

Charging your e-scooter, the EV1200R is quick and painless. Simply lift the seat, disconnect the batteries, and carry them to a power source. It is as simple as charging your cellular phone. You can now charge your scooter at home or at work. It only takes five hours to completely charge each battery. Both batteries are lithium powered, and a full charge can drive you over 55 miles.

Along with a revolutionary battery design, the Artisan EVR1200R is also lighter than its EV1200 counterpart. It is over 200 pounds lighter, to be exact. By virtue of being lighter in weight, you can get a whopping 18 more miles out of your journey. This makes the EVR1200R an excellent choice for riders with long commute distances.

The Artisan EVR1200R promises performance and durability. Every Artisan scooter comes with a year-long warranty on parts and labor, and that warranty can be extended up to three years. In addition, the EVR1200R comes with front and rear hydraulic brakes that are designed to stop abruptly and safely. By virtue of having a lightweight frame and low profile tires, the EVR1200R is energy efficient and safe to drive in rainy conditions.

The Artisan EVR1200R has a sleek, retro design similar to a vintage Vespa. If you are looking for an affordable scooter that is guaranteed to last, then this is perfect for you. Not only will you commute safely and efficiently, but you will be able to cut down drastically on costs by thanks to its electricity powered engine. Furthermore, you will never have to wait in line at a gas station again!

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