4 Things to Know While Choosing A Battery Charger for Your Electric Scooter – The Best Electric Scooters You Want To Ride Now

You don’t want to drag your electric scooter to your home from a place, miles away from your home, do you? Whether you have a ready-made electric scooter or have converted your bicycle into one, first and most important thing you need to keep it moving is a battery charger. Your electric scooter battery charger is critical for some reasons:

  • Factory assembled electric scooters don’t have an alternative way to drag them if the charge ran off.
  • Some heavy models are quite difficult to drag or carry. Plus, de-assembling may take a long time.
  • Kids may find it difficult to drag their e-scooters all the way to their homes.

This post will take you through different types of battery chargers, places to buy from, their cost and warnings.

You can buy an electric scooter battery charger by the motor capacity and power. Currently, 7 various kinds of battery chargers are available in the market.

  1. 12 Volt Battery Chargers
  2. 18 Volt Battery Chargers
  3. 24 Volt Battery Chargers
  4. 36 Volt Battery Chargers
  5. 48 Volt Battery Chargers
  6. 60 Volt Battery Chargers
  7. 72 Volt Battery Chargers

There are different ampere ratings for each battery charger, starting from 0.5 Amp and going up to 8 Amp. However, 24 V and 36 V battery chargers are being used in most electric scooters.

For e-scooters, you have many charging options, but be sure about the motor and its power. Here are few popular electric scooter brands and the battery chargers they use:

  • BladeZ Ion 150 Electric Scooter: it requires 24 V battery charger with a rating of 0.5 Amp (slow charge) or 1 Amp (Quick charge)
  • Razor E100 and E125: you can use 24 V battery chargers for these models. You can use a charger with a rating 0.6 Amp, 1 Amp or 1.6 Amp
  • Razor E300 and E300S: You will get 24V 1.5 Amp battery charger with the model. You can buy a replacement charger with a rating 24 V 1.6 Amp.

Battery charger price varies by power, amperage and the connectors. Here are the price ranges for different electric scooter battery chargers (reference).

  • 12 Volt: $23 – $140
  • 18 Volt: $30 – $35
  • 24 Volt: $25 – $185
  • 36 Volt: $60 – $180
  • 48 Volt: $50 – $195
  • 60 Volt: $50 – $150
  • 72 Volt: $155 – $165

24-Volt and 36-Volt battery chargers are more suitable for the majority of electric scooter models.

  • Do not charge SLA batteries with automotive battery chargers as they may cause permanent damage to your batteries.
  • For better and longer battery life, use low rated electric scooter battery charger.
  • If the voltage of the battery on charging doesn’t bounce back above the estimated level within few minutes, the battery may have worn out or is defective.
  • Do not charge defective SLA battery, as it can melt due to overheating.
  • Recharge your electric scooter battery more often to preserve battery life.

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